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Chicken Bathing!

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Hi all!! Just thought I would share with you my experiences of giving our two ladies a bath, as it is one of the wierdest things I think I have ever done!


The girls have recently had really dirty bottoms, so I took it on myself to give them a bath.


First was Barbara (my favourite) who we've had a few problems with recently. She had not laid for 3 weeks, and initially was fluffing up her feathers and sitting on the nest, and has also had a large crop (now I think she was broody?!). She had been to the vets, been on antibiotics etc but the crop is still quite large (sorry I've digressed but there is a point to it!). She absolutely loved it! I spent ages using the hairdryer on her afterwards, and she was cooing and falling asleep. The whole process took ages, so I left Margot until the day after.

I went to fetch Margot and checked the pop hole...and there were TWO eggs! I guess the TLC had coaxed Babs into giving us a pressie!


Margot hated every minute of the bath..and I have consequently named her the 'chicken of evil' ! Mid bath she flew up onto the bathroom window ledge and left mud splattered EVERYWHERE! Even during the hairdrying episode she did nothing but play up.


At least they are now clean and muck free (not for long!) but I had such fun giving them a bath, note to self- might need hubby for 'chicken of evil' next time!


(green eglu)

(Bluebelle)-Barbara !egg!

(Bluebelle)-Margot !egg!

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They were bathed in the bath, with baby shampoo (not sure if I should have used this!) and I just used a jug to pour the water over them :)


They did have skanky bottoms, so rather than just wash that bit I washed them alll over, and they looked so pretty and fluffy when I'd finished! Shame it won't last long!!


(green eglu)

(Bluebelle)-Barbara !egg!

(Bluebelle)-Margot !egg!

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