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Has the world gone mad?

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Or is it just me?


I popped into my kind of local pets at home store today as i was passing just for a nosy and some chews for the dog, and had my usual wander round the pets, when, I spotted a rather large rabbit- ok so nothing unusual there but this rabbit was advertised as a large house rabbit £125.00. :shock:


Who in their right mind would pay that for a large wild coloured rabbit and im talking big lop, himalyan size not flemish giant.


Apologies if this is in the wrong section.

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The world has gone mad - err and so did I when I saw one of those rabbits in the new Pets at Home that opened near me. I had a sit down protest inthe middle of the store!! :oops:


I was so angry that they sold animals (there are thousands of lovely animals that should be adopted) and I was furious that they should be selling what is obviously a seriously overbred rabbit. :evil: The poor thing could hardly carry it's own weight. I'm a rabbit lover but I can't imagine the life those rabbits are destined for. PAH do not give a hoot who they sell to, for all they know someone will take that rabbit and put it in a tiny hutch with no run where it will just suffer. I was very upset! :cry:

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When we were at the Yorshire Lads and Lasses day out there was a stand for rabbitt rescue. You could climb in among the bails of straw and pet all the bunnies and guinie pigs. There was one rabbit they had found abandoned, he was still a baby but when laid out he was longer than 2 sofa cushions, they thought he was probably some sort of flemish giant cross and he was still growing! He was beautiful and getting so much love, I wonder how much he cost before he grew too much for convenience and was abandoned by the side of the road :evil:

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