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Shelley Cockell

two new hens for the flock!!!

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we picked up our two new girls yesterday - a fenning white (to replace Ethel - RIP) and a Heritage Skyline (hopefully she will lay blue eggs for us!)

They are having s"Ooops, word censored!"s with the Emily and Hazel everytime they venture out of the coup, but Doris (who is mid moult) is not fussed by them. I think they know the real meaning of being couped up!


No blood drawn yet so I think I will let them get on with it! Will post some pics as soon as I have some.

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Bless them they look really sweet.


When you say pecked do you mean a bit of feather pulling or something a bit more violent? Your older girls look quite bit bigger from the pictures so I should think they probably look scarey to your newbies which might be the reason then are hiding. Can you try and lure the older girls away from the coop and see if you can encourage the new girls outside without the risk of attack (I put my big girls in a pen away from my new girls when they first arrived just so they could explore the area better without being bullied? They will get on eventually but it takes a few weeks for things to really settle down. So long as they can get to food and water without too much hassle then they should work things out. But keep an eye out for any potential injury as they are morbidly attracted to blood and will continue to peck if they injure on of them.


Read Egluntines links as these are really helpful with ideas too.

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Well they are still staying in the house so I chucked the other three out for free-ranging today and then got the newbies out of the house and shut the door so they couldn't get back in. I then sprayed them with antipeck. When Emily and Hazel came back in later they took one peck of the feathers and obviously didn't like it. They chased them around a bit but didn't try to peck them again.

Will let them have the run to themselves tomorrow too and hope they get a bit braver.


Thanks for all the help.

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