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How much corn?

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we give half a cup a day between six girlies . we were advised a third of a cup but the dog likes some too :oops: . we mix it with a bit of grit , not even half a handful , and scatter it . any more and we were told they "get fat and lazy and wont lay an egg" this from my chook guru aged about eighty at the feed suppliers whos father had more hens than we could ever dream about :mrgreen:

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I have been broadcasting a large cupful all around the run to keep them busy - had some problems with a pecky chook, now resolved with a bumper bit - am I giving them too much corn? I have to do it early in the morning now too, as I am not home before dark. I also give them a few grapes and some corn on the cob to peck. Mine haven't started laying yet, I don't expect any eggs til spring. They don't seem to eat much at all. I suppose this will change when they reach POL? (They are currently ranging between 21-25 weeks).

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Jo I'm very mean with mixed dried corn. When they are free ranging I use it as an enticement back into the run as it never fails. So on this basis (sometimes they need to go back into their run once a day, sometimes three times a day if I'm in and out) so I only give my 4 half an egg cup full each time I want to lock them away.


I don't go overboard on other treats (liked cooked rice, potato, pasta, veg etc) as I find if I give them far too much egg production does decline slightly.

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Why not try putting the corn in a container along with other treats, to make it go a bit further & to make sure they are not getting too much of the corn.

Mine is mixed with raisins, dried mealworms, Bokashi bran & Indigo wheat (from Wiggly Wigglers) at the moment, & I am throwing in some mixed nuts I found in my baking cupboard later too :D

The hens love it & get a scoop of this every couple of days.

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