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Nasty Drug! Worried Mum

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Has anyone experienced the drug Isotretinoin / Roaccutane? The dermatoligist has sugessted that my son takes it for his acne, but after reading about the possible side effects, I am not so sure!

He will be 18 on Thursday and would like to give it a go as nothing else seems to have helped.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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I take tetralysal for my spots - but I have only got mild acne (not any more LOL!) I think my friend took roaccutane for a while. She went to have regular liver tests.she is absolutely fine!


I don't know if this is much help to you but that is my experiences of acne 'drugs'.



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My sister-in-law took it as a very last resort to help with her acne. As far as I can remember it worked but she wasn't very well while taking it. She was also advised to wait for two years before having children as it could cause birth defects. She is pregnant at the moment after losing her first baby and is now regretting taking the roaccutane. She is having every test available to detect birth defects as I think she is now worried that the drug has caused difficulties with her fertility etc. She did discuss using roaccutane very thoroughly with her GP and Dermatologist and was fully aware of the side effects but felt that her acne was causing her more upset than she was able to cope with. She was very 'reactive' and difficult to live with when she was taking the tablets but she would be the first to admit this! It's a very difficult decision isn't it?

Best wishes,


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Thanks for your replies everyone. They were very helpful. My son really wants to go ahead with it, but there will be a bit of a wait to see the consultant. Someone else I talked to today said that a light box reall helped their acne. Might give that a go when we are waiting for the appointment.

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Have you tried a proper homeopath at all. I've no experience of it with acne but have used it for excema, stomach ulcer, neck spasms and other things. For my stomach ulcer I was able to stop taking 3 lots of medication from the GP and now perhaps need a homeopathic remedy twice a year.

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I know it sounds terribly "new age" but do look at alternatives first. My mum took my brother(he's nearly 50 now) to a herbalist who got us brewing up dandelions and drinking the "Tea", and it worked really well, and he had dreadful acne. Ask around locally, one name will come up, and give it a thought.

Good luck.

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