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horrid things growing in lawn

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hi everyone


don't know if any body has had this....i've found big fungus like mushrooms growing on on lawn, big green and yellow and brown. Quite mushsy and horrid. I won't sit down at the bottom end of garden because of wasps ( old pear tree) and girls want to dig, but these mushroom like things are quite frightening. If i'm up the top of garden the girls stay up with me, I've pulled the mushrooms up and thrown them away, has any one any idea what this could be???



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Didn't think at the time... :oops: but my camara is ready if it grows back, I just thought yuk!! yuk!! at the time. I have seen normal looking fungus/ mushrooms that can grow in the lawn etc... usally in a ring or semi cirle but this was something quite horrid..... if I can find out what it is I'll let you know!! I'll do some research



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The toadstools are probably one of the many non-poisonous but inedible species - there are only a few that are actually deadly to animals, and most of them are quite rare. So, I wouldn't worry about them too much, but if you can post a clear photo, I would be happy to try and identify them (I worked on an urban ecology project many years ago).


If you're determined to get rid of them, what you see on the surface is only the fruiting bodies, so unfortunately, picking them and throwing them away will probably be about as effective as trying to kill your pear tree by picking the pears :( You'll probably need a lawn fungicide to get rid of them, but do check any warnings on the packet in case you need to keep pets off the grass after treatment :shock:

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