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Elaine C


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I'm so disapointed. :(


Was sooo looking forward to welcoming two new girls this week to join Ella and Cleo. Went down to Hollywater Hens a few weeks ago. They didn't have much stock but said they were expecting a delivery this week and would save me an amber star and copper maran (for the dark brown eggs). But they rang earlier to say they'd been let down with the delivery and not expecting a delivery until 2nd Oct plus they would only be getting bovans, meadowsweets and ambers. The next delivery would be in Feb when there would be more choice. May see what other breeders have in stock now. I'll see. After dithering with my selection as I did originally want a white egg layer and a blue egg layer, I'm now back to indecision and keen to fill the space for two extra chooks in the eglu residence! After the posts in support araucanas I had been thinking seriously of one. Went to see Lindy Lou and she had just got a couple and they did look lovely.


Anyway, have also been doing my bit for Omlet. A guy at work said his wife was looking at getting some chickens so I thrust an Omlet catelogue into his hand and told him how marvellous the eglu and Omlet were. The result - another eglu and chook owner about to happen - ordered and waiting for! :)


Just wanted to share my disappointment :(



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What a shame. I take it they are Meadowsweet agents? My local agent was having a right moan about meadowsweet the last time I was down, saying that she has been told that they won't be able to deliver many of their breeds till next year, leaving a lot of her customers disappointed, and her looking bad, as she can't provide her usual fantastic service!


Why not phone Omlet and see if they can suggest any other breeders in your area.

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Hi Elaine,


There is a posting -Want to expand your flock? only a week or so ago where someone was recommending a breeder in Windsor. I think they were called something like The Hen House. I looked on the web site and thought they looked good. Alas, no more room in my hen house for more but if I had known about them earlier I may not have had to trek halfway across the countryside for my araucanas!



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Do get onto the practical poultry forum. There's a nice lady in Kent who has the meadowsweet hybrids and I think still has some white stars left over this year (she's chickenfee I think, but PM me if you want her email details). Lots of people in the home counties selling birds though, so I'm sure you could find some really easily. Go to www.practicalpoultry.co.uk then click on the forum button. look in Poultry Mart and you're away.

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Thanks for all your replies and suggestions on this. I have talked again to Jane at Hollywater yesterday. Yes she was a meadowsweet Agent. She is now sourcing her chooks direct from Suffolk and is also now expecting a delivery at the end of October as well. Still restricted to bovans, meadowsweet and ambers. But having now thought some more have asked her to reserve me an amber and meadowsweet for the end of October.


The reasons being firstly that OH pointed out that at the moment it may be a good thing to wait. At the moment, doing and Open University course and exam happening in Mid October once this years course finished could spend more time with the new girls to settle them in. I have to gudgingly agreee, now I have got over the initial disapointment, that he may have a point there. (not often that that happens :wink: )


Also I was impressed with her attitude, helpfulness and the conditions the chooks were kept in. Had previously visited a supplier closer and definately not impressed. It's fairly close by so new girls hopefully won't be too stressed by the travel to their new home. Also there does seem to be a supply problem at the moment.


Lastly, I have long term plans after next year when I have finished my degree that OH doesn't yet know so can look at expanding then.


Anyway, will get some new chooks soon but thanks again for your suggestions.



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