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Secret Fabric Swap?

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Would anyone be interested?


It won't really clash with the Secret Easter Bunny thing because it will be so much easier......


I have a big stash of fabric and am fed up with looking at it - I thought it would be nice to swap a piece with someone else and, hopefully, find some inspiration.


How about swapping just ONE metre of fabric - we can all come back and post a photo as and when we make something?

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Would anyone be interested?


it will be so much easier......



No Lesley, who are you trying to kid, its really hard using fabric you haven't chosen. I like a challenge! Can I join in but I only get fat quaters so could I send 4 instead in shades of orange :D (joke about orange).

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Er no I said I dont buy yards I only but in quarter yards (fat quarters to those in the know :wink: not big bums) so can I send 4 fat quarters :lol:


Sorry spelt quarters wrong. :D


Please can I join. pretty please :pray: I'll join my fat quarters together first. :D alright I'll go and buy a yard. then can I join in?

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Doh didn't think of that. :roll:


Its because a yard/metre is cut in four thus + rather than in four strips across the width of the fabric. :D (you can have fat eighths and long eighths but I won't baffle you with science :lol: )


Decided to comply - now who would like a challenge with a length of leather or silk. :lol: (its alright I haven't got either :D )

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If you buy 1/4 yard of fabric,you would normally get a long strip - 4 long strips would = 1 yard. A fat quarter is where the yard is cut in half lengthways, then widthways so you get a fat quarter, as opposed to a thin quarter. Is that about as clear as mud? :lol: It's a more useful shape for patchworking and crafts. :D


:doh: Sorry, I posted before I realised Plum had already replied

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That's alright - I understand perfectly now :lol:


I didn't know if we were going to bother with keeping it secret? - Plum could then send whatever she wanted? I'm going to get Carl to draw all the names out and write a list - then each person will send to the next person on the list.


I don't mind whether it is secret - although it could be fun trying to decide who sent what :D


I'll wait another week to see if anyone else wants to join in and then sort out a list of names.

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Right!! - I sowed the seeds.....and most of them are up now :oops: - but now I'm back :D


The list I have is........











Craftyhunnypie added


If you're still interested would you PM me your address and I'll get Carl to make a random list and then let each one of you have an address to send fabric to.......


....and, is anyone else interested?

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