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Richard T

Chickens in the Spectator - 9 Sept 06

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A colleague has just shown me an article in The Spectator (9 Sept 2006) which is about the latest craze of keeping pet chickens. It mentions Omlet, the eglu, Johannes Paul, an eglu owner called Damian in Surrey with hens called Abigail and Amelia, the BHWT and Practical Poultry. Thought you might be interested.


I think it's quite a good article.



Richard T

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Sounds good Richard, any chance of scanning it for us to read?


Pretty please......


Of course. Can't do it right now because I've got to go down to the basement for the afternoon (I've got a part-time job collecting spiders for Tesco :wink: ) but I'll try to do it later.



Richard T

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This is the beginning from their website, but you have to subscribe to read it all!



Cluck cluck

Hattie Ellis



When the spectre of bird flu appeared — cock-a-doodle-a-CHOO! — the government started counting chicken-keepers. The exact number of amateurs was hard to pin down; but behind the scenes a quarter of a million is seen as an underestimate. These are people who may keep just a couple of chooks in the garden, clucking with pride every time they collect the new-laid eggs. The craze, only mildly dented by the scary virus, even has a name: pet poultry.


Who are these people? I’ve begun to encounter them everywhere. Twenty-first-century peasants and celebrities in rural retreat; down-to-earth duchesses and Tesco-refusniks who turn up to dinner with a half-dozen eggs rather than a box of chocs. The hobby has become far more accessible with the advent of the Eglu, a colourful plastic hut that arrives with a starter-kit of birds, feed and advice. Many go to new keepers from all walks of life. Johannes Paul, one of Eglu’s inventors, has delivered to terraces and to Eton. At one posh pile, the owner inquired whether her cat (a mini leopard) might be a problem. Damian Oliver is a more typical Eglu-owner. He spoke affectionately of keeping the family’s two chickens, named Amelia

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T At one posh pile, the owner inquired whether her cat (a mini leopard) might be a problem.


I've got a mini leopard cat,but I don't live in a posh pile.

A pile, maybe........... :lol:


I think I've been misquoted here :shock: I do NOT refer to people's homes as 'posh piles'. :wink: Ever! In fact I've never heard the term before! I've done a pile of ironing today, but it wasn't posh . . .

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T At one posh pile, the owner inquired whether her cat (a mini leopard) might be a problem.


I've got a mini leopard cat,but I don't live in a posh pile.

A pile, maybe........... :lol:


I think I've been misquoted here :shock: I do NOT refer to people's homes as 'posh piles'. :wink: Ever! In fact I've never heard the term before! I've done a pile of ironing today, but it wasn't posh . . .


Can you do mine for me. It keeps looking at me and taunting me so I had to shut the door on the laundry room so I couldn't hear it mocking me :cry:

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Certainly Thalia, send it over!


Doing the ironing means I can watch TV programmes that I never get time to watch otherwise! :D And I don't have to feel guilty :D And when everyone comes home they think I've been working really hard. :D Which I have I suppose, but it doesn't feel like it! I must have done two hours today and there's at least another two hours' worth! And the washing machine is on, so there'll be even more tomorrow - and it's Friday tomorrow so that means school uniforms need to be done too! With 6 of us it is actually a never-ending chore! :(

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Sounds like my usual weekend.


Bought one of those steam generating thingumybob thingy things.


Absolutely amazing! Easily halves your ironing time.

I couldn't afford one of those!

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I know what you mean. Sorry.


My best friend once mentioned in passing that she could do with a set of step ladders. Her husband gave her some for christmas! But this is the best bit....he had them gift wrapped!! He was genuinely mystified at her reaction....A lovely man, but no idea about gifts. Once, when asked what he would like for a birthday present, he asked for a bag of tile grout. Honestly.

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you should be able to put it in like any other picture with the img tags - but if it is a scan of an A4-sized article - it might be a very big picture - and so very slow to load (especially for those on dial-up) - and it would slow down the thread..


you should probably compress it and shrink it - but that sometimes makes text unreadable - which would defeat the purpose!!!


it might be best to host it at photobucket (or somewhere similar) - you can have enormous files there - and simply provide a url link to that copy, for those who want to look.



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yo - loud and clear!


I like the egg-cups review at the bottom. My 14 yr old game back from school yesterday and announced that in D&T (Design & Technology) they had been assessing egg-cups


aesthetically, functionality, environmental sustainability, and price were the categories for assessment...


good stuff eh? we never did anything like that at school!

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Of course. Can't do it right now because I've got to go down to the basement for the afternoon (I've got a part-time job collecting spiders for Tesco :wink: ) but I'll try to do it later.



Richard T


Weeeeeeeeeee, heeeeeeeeeee, heeeeeeeee :lol::lol::lol:


You are funny Richard :wink:

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I'd not heard the word "squinch" before.


It would never have occurred to me that people would buy cockerels for fighting. That has put paid to any notions I might have had about hatching eggs.


I'm glad I had the opportunity to read it.


Do they sell spiders by the pound or by the half dozen? :shock:

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