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Life in the Old Chook yet

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Excellent LJ- good for you


I'm also an OU student, aiming for a degree in Environmental studies although not totally removed from my current job. (I work for the Environment Agency - Hmm thats enought said about that!) That said the courses I have chosen have been quite a challange. Up until this year mostly science and technology. Given that I left school with CSE grade 4 for maths (ok showing my age here, youngsters won't even know what a CSE is!) and only a biology CSE grade 1, the maths and science involved was quite scary and a huge learning curve.


Unfortunately, this year (my 6th year) I had to pull out of the course. Combination of not enjoying the course and heavy workload at work which ate into my study time. Not given up on the ou though and will be studying again next year. I've come this far to get my degree and am not giving up now.


Anyway, just to say huge good luck for the course. Hope you enjoy it. Humanities is such a broad subject so should be vary varied.



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I hope you get back to it next year Elaine. I guess it should be your last year for the degree. Great achievement :D


Yes, should have been the last year but will have to redo the course I dropped out of this year. Annoying as can't hang about too much - I'm no spring chicken :wink:


Hadn't registered yet for next year yet. Planning on taking the course that was to be my last next year and re-doing the drop out course the following. But you've inspired me, so will contact the ou tomorrow and register for U316. Thanks for your words. Looking back I have acheived a lot, have a Diploma in Pollution Control and would be a shame not to convert it to a degree.


By the way big congratuations for your first assignment - very impressive. Keep it up :)



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