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Very sick chick - any ideas

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One of our Gingernuts - Sqeak (the only who laid and the fiesty one) is seriously ill. We expect to find her gone to the coop in the sky every morning but she suprises us by hanging on in there. I have searched the internet and this forum and can't put my finger on what's wrong as she has a mixture of symptoms for different illness. Here goes:


She was the only layer and last laid before Christmas if not for an odd one since.

About 10 days ago we left the door to egloo open on a cold night due to having to be away for the night . Her comb was purple like and frostbite was considered. Used vaseline etc and kept her warm.

Since then she has gone down hill rapidly.

Shes is off the layers pellets but will eat some treats, sweetcorn and greens. We have given her some warm mashed oats. Even today she'll have a few bites but not any energy.

We keep her hydrated as best we can and she comes into the kitchen and drinks the dogs water for a good few minutes.

There is no poo of note. Just running milk like liquid. This has been for over a week.

She has lost so much weight and is very light and boney.

We looked at her crop and massaged the area we think it in.

Her neck bones, just below her beek, is very protruded and noticeable.

We had to wash her vent as all the hairs had got stuck and mucky through wet running poo. Again vaselined her vent - no noticable sign of hardening there.

My thoughts were:

Empacted crop

Egg bound

Poss eaten rat posion. we were flooded a couple of weks ago and the rat poison tray under the shed floated into the garden. It was empty and muddy with rain water so I don't think she eat this.

The other chick is thriving and full of beans as ever.

We're not minded to take her to the vets but would like to help her as much as we can at home.

We havent wormed them since we got them (already wormed by egloo) but no sign of worms.

She's about 18 months at a guess

They free range and have the run of the garden and have a life of riley.


Any ideas most welcome.

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oh dear she doesnt sound good bless her. :(


I have no experience of rat poison but I would have thought if it was that and it was 2 weeks ago she would have passed away much quicker.


The poos are an indication she is poorly, and the purple comb. Purple combs are sometimes a sign of heart problems/breathing problems.


It may be worms and I would start a course of worming asap if you can - even though you cannot see worms now once you have finished the course if there are worms you will soon see them! :vom:


If you can get to a vet it would be a good idea - she may need some antibiotics. (of course the choice is yours :wink: )


Hope she perks up.

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To be honest it sounds as if she is beyond home remedies now.


I agree with all that Chelsea says.


I would take her to the vet, who will advise whether there is any treatment she can offer, or whether it would be kinder to put her to sleep.


In the mean time, keep her warm and quiet, and try to ensure that she takes fluids.


I hope she can be helped.

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