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Guest Debs13

Big School

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Wow the school sounds amazing Dan.....when choosing a school for Izzy i dismissed one down the road a bit as it was falling down the head teacher was wet and there seemed to be no organization at all....3yrs on shes at the school round the corner and loves it but the one down the rd has been re-built and looks super duper and the kids all have Dell laptops :roll: .....but i could'nt ask for more she enjoys school , learns easily and has a lovely group of friends so as she's happy i'm happy ahhhhh.....i bet Harry will be fine where ever he goes fingers crossed though those white boards are cool :lol:

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You're right Dan. Forget about it until March or at least don't worry about it. You're in the fortunate position of not minding which school Harry goes to. Each has pros and cons. You and Debs can take it easy and let someone else make the decision! :D:D

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Wonder if anyoe can help? My son's dance teacher said last week that he is good enough to apply to Elmhurst. He would have to board and it's a good 2 hour drive from here. He's only ever stayed away for 2 nights before! It was such a shock as we thought he enjoyed dancing but didnt actually think he was any good. He has been dancing a while but swapped to this new teacher 3 weeks ago. She is paid by the council to look out for young talent and nuture it. It just seems a bit Billy Elliot at the moment and a complete shock to me & his Dad. Anyway - does anyone know about Elmhurst? I've read their website and sent off for info but 1st hand experience is always helpful. THANKS!

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