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Daft question it MITE be

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Being new to this chicken business I wanted to know about mites.

If my chickens don't already have mites will they get them, and if so where do they get them from?

Do they have to get close to other wild birds or are they like ticks and just jump on when the chickens walk past?

Can the mites go on me? :vom: or nest in my hair ?

Can I catch anything from the chickens in fact, other than Bird flu?


(cube lilac)

PP Evie

GNR Charlotte

GNR Matilda

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Wild birds tend to drop lice onto the hens. Mites feed on wild birds too, but live in wood when not feeding. They have a knack of homing in on hens, and literally come out of the woodwork at night and feed.


They may bite humans, and cause a type pf dermatitis, but won't live on you or nest in your hair.


So long as you maintain a high standard of hygiene in the Eglu and wash your hands after handling the hens, the risk of catching anything from them is remote.

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