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extension or netting your thoughts please

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As another way to try to prevent the carnage our girls are causing to each other we have deceided to try giving them more space. :shock: We have standard eglu run and the next extra bit (not sure if thats an extension or a converter) should we go for another extension or buy some netting? :?

your thoughts and experiences appreciated...thanks

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I think it depends on the security issue. For me it would be the extension, because I couldn't leave mine out without being in the garden to supervise - they'd be Sunday lunch for the local fox in no time.


If you're just thinking about times when they free-range and you want to restrict them more, then the netting is very flexible.

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thanks, it will have to be one or the other, good point about free ranging Olly. Two neighbours keep chickens, one has 40 freeranging and the other about adozen or maybe more (their words) which also free range all day :shock: when I asked about foxes they said they usually use a few each year when the cubs are born. I asked how they managed that......they get new chickens!!! :shock::shock: I guesss thats the "country way" they were shocked we took Primrose to the vets.

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