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How long to let a new flock settle in?

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Hi. I am very pleased with my new Eglu with run :D This Friday I picked up a trio of pullets and introduced them to their new home. I am aware they need to establish a pecking order - and this was clear from the off. The Goldline clearly was top dog, with the Black Rock coming in second and the poor Bluebell the hassled one.

The Goldline has been relentless in pecking the Bluebell - not enough to pick feathers or draw blood, just enough to keep scaring her away from the food and water source. I have thought about installing another drinker closer to the nesting box.

As it is early days my question is, should I just let them get on with it for a few more days? The plan is they will be able to range round the garden once they have settled in.

Would it be safe to let them range now? I did let the Goldline out yesterday and the Bluebell was much more comfortable in her absense - and got plenty to eat and drink.

Replacing the dominant bird doesn't seem to be the answer - as with a new one they'll no doubt go through this all over again. I am hoping I will not have to resort to anti-peck spray or beak clips or anything so severe.

One final thought; the farm where the chickens came from intimated three birds may be too much for this run. I feel 4 certainly would be, but since they are due to range all day thought 3 would be fine. Does this sound right?

ThankYou for any advice! I am new to chicken keeping and want to get this right. :roll:

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Don't worry you are doing it right. They all start like this and you want to protect the underdog but it's normal behaviour as long as no injuries occur. Poor bluebells seem to be at the bottom. You can put an extra water and food in but in a few days they will be eating and drinking together.

Lots of folk have 3 in an eglu and yours will have lots of roaming so they'll be fine.

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3 are fine in the run.


This is all normal. Initial squabbles will happen at first and take a while to settle down. Then just when you think it's all sorted, one chicken may come into lay and it will all change again. So bear with it.


I bought an extra glug/grub set which helps when my bottom chook is being pushed out of the way for food. (Also handy when you go on holiday and less topping up is needed by your chicken sitters).

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ThankYou all for help and advice. I'm pleased to say that after five days the girls have all settled in very well and the pecking has stopped. They seem to enjoy the free ranging and particularly dragging leaf litter all over the garden :lol: They had a few mealworms as a treat today and seem very happy.

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