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Starting to breed my own!

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I am so excited as I have a new incubator and some hatching eggs!


I live in Northumberland and have so far found it very difficult ot get any pure breeds up here, and when we have I have been quite alarmed by some of the set-ups. So... we have decided to start breeding our own. As we wanted to raise our own table birds it made sense to rear pullets and sell them to cover our costs.


The first batch to go in are large breeds - Light Sussex, Bantam Silver Laced and Violet Laced Wyandottes, Orpingtons (blue, white and splash) and some hybrid Dorkings that lay blue eggs.


Later in the month I am going to put in some Pekins. I love them and have a trio of Gold Partridge that I intend to breed.


In the incy I am going to raise solid colours such as Lavender, Lemon, Blue, Buff and some Cuckoo varieties of the Lemon and Lavender. I am also trying to get Silver Partridge too as they are stunning.


The most important thing for me is to get good quality eggs as I intend to breed from them in the future. I just need to get the field and housing set up to protect them now (fortunately we live on a farm!).


Watch this space for little chickie pics soon! :dance:

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