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When can I let my girls out

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I've had them a week now and kept them confined to the Eglu run, but it's a lovely day and I'm out in the garden. Would it be safe to let them free range abt yet do you think?

They do come running in the hope of treats when we go outside, but as their favourite is dandelion they might find plenty for themselves and not come running to us :wink:

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I'd let them out now. In fact mine only stopped in 2 days :oops: Do you have a specific treat bowl that you use, my girls know where their treats are kept (metal dustbin) and come charging over if you even look in their direction! :lol: I'm sure you'll all have a fab day in the garden.

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I've had my girls for 4 weeks now.

I kept them in the eglu run for the first 5 days and then let them out for the first time late in the afternoon. I was really worried I wouldn't be able to get them back in but tempting them with some quartered grapes or few handfuls of corn thrown into the run/in a treat bowl soon had them back safeley inside.

I was really pleased with myself that I managed to get them back in and really, it was no where near as hard as I thought it was going to be.

Go for it, it is a gorgeous day.

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Thanks for all the reassurance! They had a lovely time :D:D . Gertie is a real Slug-Hound :clap::clap: . Flo spent a little while out, but then retreated for a little rest in her (green eglu):roll: .


Now back in, but I will have to go out again to tidy up in a while, so will probably let them out again then :D

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I am glad you had fun, it was a lovely day wasn't it!, my new girls have been making themselves a fine dustbath under a bush, I have short video's of them, but I am unsure how clear they will come out, so I will hve to play with that tomorrow and see, but they were warming my heart to watch them!


My older two dont do dustbathing much in the garden, but they love their dustbath in the walk in which sugar has now made herself filthy with!

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