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Chickens and Tortoises. A 1st on the forums I'm sure!!!

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Does anyone own chickens and let them free range in the garden with Tortoises knocking about? The 2 torts are about 2 fists in size. I'm a little worries the chickens may peck at thier heads or eyes???? I could contain the torts in a very large plastic propigator while the chickens are out, but if the chickens wont bother them I'd just like one big happy family in the garden ... peace and love, peace and love maaaaan.



Thanks in advance


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Hi Phil,

I went on a Eglu course this past weekend and the hosts kept a tortoise with their chickens, they didn't mention any problems. It was run by Roz, Andy & Sue in Stockport and they did say that they frequent the boards so I'm sure they will be along shortly to help you out!!


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Ahhh yes indeed you are right. Torts can carry salmonella! I'm not 100% sure but I think it's only if you dont keep on top of cleaning thier water containers, like pretty much any type of vivarium. I think it's more to do with thier hot moist environments than the tortoise/reptiles themselves. I'm making a wild jump here but battery chickens have the same issues I think. Hot moist environments. I'm guessing thats 1 of the reasons why condesnsation in a coop is a bad thing, add that to bad hygiene and it's a recipie for disaster


My torts are either living free in the garden or hibernating.



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