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Aviaries4u grub/glug holder - what do you think?

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My only worry would be this :roll: :


which resulted in some rather tasty drinking water :vom::vom::vom::lol: .

This might be a solution for those who like the free-standing version, but don't want the girls using it as a perch.


(clicking either image will show a larger version)

img1898a.th.jpg . . . . img1897a.th.jpg


It's a strip of plastic with small 'pointy bits' that runs along the top of our garden swing bench. We found garden birds liked to perch on the top rail, resulting in lots of bird poo all over the seat of the bench. Applying this stop stopped the birds and the resulting poo.


OH thinks we got it from a Betterware catelogue that came through our door one time.



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