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Suzy's Spay Op

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Well it was all set to go ahead this thursday after being delayed over my Chistmas break due to losing FIL, BUT Suzy has decided she is a big girl and has gone into her first season.. so the next time I get a few weeks off is the summer :doh::doh: plus she needs to be 3 months clear of this season she has just gone into before she can be spayed they tell me... :anxious:


Was planning this carefully around time I am at home for her, shame she has to scupper it LOL


Watch this space I guess.. LOL

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It was the best thing we ever did for Cookie, getting her spayed. It was awful not going to the park, just walking round the roads with her when she was in season. Then she had a phantom pregnancy and became so depressed, awful time.


Good luck with the spaying and I hope she recovers well when she has it.

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My mums little yorkie is in season at the moment. Mum has been having her sleep upstairs away from the males. But she also bought some dolls knickers to put on her. They are like white & pink polkadot bloomers. She doesn't mind at all & looks really cute in them - she seems grateful to have them on - bless her.

Pets at home now sell sanitary belts & pads - but they were too big for her as she is tiny.



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