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The Dogmother

Claret's chicks

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Another update and pictures - sorry that it's taken me so long, but things are hectic at the moment :roll:


Herbert is enormous now and has a darker feather on one wing; I wonder what his colouring will end up like :? He is very assertive and likes his food. Fleur has been picking on him because she thinks that she should be the only stunning white chicken around, but he is much bigger than her and holds his corner well. I think he is ready to go back to Lesley's any time now.


The barnies are getting really big now. One of them now has a definite comb and some wattles, so I think that'll be the male, it's colouring is the same as the other one, but the experts on the pekinbantams.com forum assure me that is normal and that he'll get his male feathers through soon. The other barnie is the same size, but has a much less noticeable comb and no wattles, and a longer tail, I think this will be a pullet, if it is, then Rosie has called it Betty Spaghetti.


Lavinia is looking a bit sorry for herself, she is moulting quite badly, and isn't her usual big fat cushion of feathers. But she's done a great job of rearing her lovely brood - they are all big and strong.


They all freerange with the biggies all day now and there doesn't seem to have been any problem with bullying apart from the usual sniping.


What fine boys we are...



Herbert enjoying the last of the sun



Male Barnie chick



Lavinia with two of her chicks



Invading the big girls run... what a mess!



Can you see me?


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Thought you might like to see the rest of the family!


A very bad photo of our remaining 2 barnevelder chicks - I had to point and shoot through the run door as i can't get down to Eglu level :roll:

You can see the difference between them - one has a brown head and one has a very dark, almost black, head.



This is our bantam Mum with Herbert's brother



Herbert's sister - Sherbert and the 2 Cream Legbar chicks (1 hen 1 cock)



This is what Herbert will grow up to be - this is his Dad, Nelson, minus a few tail feathers.


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