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Mrs Frugal

My harvest so far

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I think all additives should be removed from food. I have an intolerance to excessive salt and don't put salt in anything and everyone always says to me but it can't have any flavour well my answer to that is it tastes of food as opposed to salty food. You adjust your tastes accordingly. If I eat oversalted things they have a habit of reappearing quite quickly :evil:


I look at some food which is so brighly coloured and wonder what on earth that does to the inside.


Without defending them because I have issues with them McDonalds in the UK only uses free range eggs :?

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There are several courgettes which are almost ready for picking which is a miracle because many of the little courgettelettes rotted off after flowering. I've been really neglecting them and they're doing well as a result.


Hoping noone further down the thread has already made this point, but if you get end blossom rot add blood, fish and bone meal.


Another point - cross threading somewhat - courgettes seem to be a really good beginners plant (once you know how to deal with the rot), since once they get past sluggable size they grow quickly, and produce such huge crops. Not really a square foot plant though.

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Aaarrr, 'ee must follow the proper rituals if 'ee be wanting the courgette cropping to be growing. :)


Blood fish and bone meal is a fertiliser, which although weird sounding is also (I believe) organic. High in phosphorus I think.


Blossom end rot is the term an organic gardener friend of mine described what happened to my first courgettes last year. The end of the courgette next to the flower softens, turns brown and the courgette rots on the plant from that end.


Adding blood, fish and bone meal to the soil sorted out the problem,last year and this year. You're supposed to put it in before you plant, but I tend to pile it on round the plant that has the problem, scratch it into the soil and water it in. Sorted out the problem.


Cut off the rotting ones and either throw them away or just remove the rotten bit and cook the rest. Seems to be OK to eat.

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Fortunately the only night out we had with others we were taken to a Japanese resteraunt where they cooked everything to taste at the table and I was the star who caught the mushroom the chef threw with my mouth :shock:


Can this be the same woman claiming no media career awaits her ? :) I'm just going to ring the Mail now. They'll love it.

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It is organic but not vegetarian so I've never used it - i just stick with seaweed or - now - poo soup. Don't know if they all do the same job though?


I eat the good parts of any spoiled courgettes as well - doesn't seem to have affected me

( :roll: )

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