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Midges biting my girls

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I noticed yesterday that while the girls were having their bedtime treats poor Daisy was being bitten by little midges on her face where the feathers are short and thin.


I remember being bitten at dusk last year while we were doing the roof and having to spray our hair with mossi spray along with any exposed skin.



Anyone have any suggestions please?

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Hemcore has citronella in it and i am pretty sure aubiose does too( about a year or so ago the wonderful EU were trying to stop horse people using this cant remember why)

Coopers horse fly repellent never prevented them but there are other horse fly repellents (obviously not for eye area /nostrils) but was told by someone Naff Off fly repellent is good....what about the mosi stuff in the supermarkets...with the deet in it??? for humans may b worth a try or some of that sticky paper stuff


hope u get them sorted


I think thats why garlic is good too as its meant to stop flies etc (sorry i know more about horses but usually it applies more less same as us)


Good luck

indie :)

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I doubt it's midges?.... I've always had in my head they hatch 30th June :? I read this recently......



Midges hatch in June, with a second hatch between mid-July and early August.


.......way too early for midges......thank goodness :D

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Thanks for the suggestions.


They may not be midges per se but they are tiny flying beasties that hover around. They really do bite too. I looked like I had the measles last year....covered in tiny red spots. They also make the same whiney sound that a mossi makes. They are much smaller than the midges you get in Scotland.

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mine are definately gnats and have been there for years. They group up and fly in circles about 10 - 15 ft up and bite me on the head. Which they have done recently. I've not noticed them down with the girls but I use hemcore which may protect them.


Are midges the same as gnats? :?

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