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The Dogmother

New uniform?

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This made me laugh earlier; I received a police crime report about some burglaries locally:


At about 9.30pm in *** Close B*****e. An elderly lady was woken up to find two men in her bedroom. They said they were from Neighbourhood Watch and that there had been a burglary nearby. They are described as two males, the first was large, wearing a stocking over his head, black gloves, blue tracksuit top, light coloured trainers local accent and aged in his 30s about 5'10" tall. He had a yellow handled screwdriver. The second male was smaller also wearing a stocking over his head, dark clothing about 5'7" slimmer and less experienced!


:lol::lol: Are they going to be issuing us with uniforms now? I'll bet that the officer sending that report out had a field day :roll:

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