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Mel (& Paul)

ummm.....has anyone seen my............

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Oh Mel I'm so pleased for you (&Paul)!!


Joe has decided that we won't have anymore until we have moved house - quite fitting as I found a lovely art deco 30's house in Langstone in Wales today - and it's bang on budget (well a bit below!) but we will have to move VERY fast - it's going to auction on 8th December unless it's sold before then


You can't imagine how :mrgreen: I am right now but I will get more chooks soon!


Can I come and see them please!!




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Molly the Colly - of COURSE you and Joe and Andrew can come and see the new girls - any time - just pm me when you are down this way! - and then I can be envious of you moving to your dream home!!


Sophie P - I have NO idea what sort they are!! One is a gold colour with a gold and black tail and very short legs, so I guess some sort of Japenese bantam and the other is a pale dove / lilac grey - very sweet!


Lesley - yup, still hankering after pigs and ducks and donkeys (not sure about cows though!!)


Eglutine - we were really lucky - they were actually in the paper about 3 weeks ago, but had gone by the time we rang - but the people who had rung and said they would have them kept on stalling for time so the lady advertised again!



Whilst I would LOVE another eglu for the bantams (and, of course, more bantams for the eglu!) I think that £45 for the ark and bantams was too much of a bargain!

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