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Ahh - so you beat us at something!! you must be very proud!


as for "positive play"


I can remember one recent encounter where we scored three goals and you only scored one..


obviously you are far more positive than us when it boils down to a direct comparison - where it counts?? :wink: (and in that game you also had more bookings than we did) :wink:


and Wenger has been fined for gross misconduct this season - Big Sam never has...


the "Fair Play" league is a load of boff, as you well know!


Phil 8)


you're not getting nervous about the FA cup are you? :wink:


and are you confident about tonight??

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Trying to convince yourself there i think Phil! 8)


Am not at all confident about tonight, i don't know what Liverpools squad is like but ours is pants. I just can't see where we are going to get goals - from Aliadiere or Baptista? I don't think so...


I wouldn't count on either of those two.. wanna borrow Anelka back?? :wink:



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Just for the night please. He is an idiot but will be more likely to get a goal then those 2! :anxious:


(if i eat my words on this i will be happy!)


You could borrow Supa Kevin Davies - perhaps Eboue is still hiding?? :D



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perhaps Eboue is still hiding??


Oh behave Phil! Kevin Davies is rubbish anyway! Lend him to Liverpool and then we might win! :wink:


Our Kev is the first name on the teamsheet - an absolute legend - defenders live in fear!!


he is the most-fouled player in the Premiership - and you NEVER see him complain - he simply gets up - dusts himself off and gets on with it...


anyway - good luck tonight!



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does Dan still read this thread??


if so - what do you think of the idea of Graham Sourness buying Wolves??


I'd be gutted if Sourpuss came anywhere near the one-and-only Wanderers...





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doesnt look like your'e having any problems scoring Helen?!!


good free kick from baptista.


Luis Garcia offside for liverpool's goal.


my best friend is at Anfield tonight. Embarrassed to say she supports liverpool :oops: suppose someone has to!

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4-1 and it's not even half time!


still - it is VERY funny to be able to listen to Alan (spit!) Green having to commentate on such a woeful Liverpool performance!!





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Well its half time - i'm not sulking and i am definitly eating my words!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


4-1!!!!!!!!!!!!! And aren't Liverpool pants!?? Especially Dudek!!! :lol:


Even if we lose 5-4 - Baptista!!! Aliadiere!!!! and the other player i don't rate - Song!!!! Way to go boys


Very happy Helen xx

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