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Oohhh, I think I need my earplugs!!!


Charming! I have been told i sing like a drunk cow with its head in a bucket but football songs are suposed to be sung badly!!!


May I just say that out of "Ooops, word censored!"nal/Villa/Chelsea/Bolton only 1 team has ever won the european cup.


Martin i don't even remember them winning the European cup - i was 2 that year and you weren't even a twinkle in your daddys eye! :wink: Besides if we're living on past glories "Ooops, word censored!"nal and I win hands down!!! :lol: And Phil and Bolton come last by miles!



Just pm me if you'd like to borrow the DVD


Er. Tempting... :? BUT NO!!!!

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Oh and also player who fouls the most in the premier league...

One Kevin Davies!!!


Now who does he play for again??!! :wink:


Mmm.. that's allegedly true - but I think it's a myth - when I looked it up on OPTA (the proper stats) - he was well down the league..


It was once said he was the most fouled player - and highest fouling player - at the same time..


most of his fouls are innocuous 50-50 backing-into-the defender fouls - hardly the crime of the century when usually it is 6 of one - half a dozen of the other...


as for being away - Sunday evening is quite busy!! - I had an evening service, a visit to a guy who just had double bypass surgery and a youth-group..


that pretty much occupies me from 5-ish until 9ish..


s'nice to see the Spuds lose points and Neverton....




phil's competition of the day..


this photo often accompanies "KD is Dirty" stories...




anyone care to describe what has just happened?? 8)


our Kev is a total hero - and much misunderstood...



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Hark at these Gooner fans flocking together!!


And whats wrong with that??!! :wink::lol::lol:



as for being away - Sunday evening is quite busy!! - I had an evening service, a visit to a guy who just had double bypass surgery and a youth-group..


Ah Sunday evenings... Church youth groups... :lol::lol: Lots of happy memories... Do your youth group take the mick out of you for supporting Bolton Phil???


Re your picture - isn't that after when Davies had elbowed Pogatez(sp) of boro in the face last season? If you're trying to portray his gentle side Phil i don't think you're doing a very good job.........

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Re your picture - isn't that after when Davies had elbowed Pogatez(sp) of boro in the face last season? If you're trying to portray his gentle side Phil i don't think you're doing a very good job.........


yo! respec' to Helen for spotting Pogatetz!!


Mmm.. that's what is always implied when the photo is used. If you watch the video, this is what actually happens..


KD (facing away from goal) jumps for the ball at the same time as Pogatetz (as defender).


Pogatetz (accidentally) butts KD in the back of the head - and then makes as if KD has elbowed him..


Now, leaving aside the fact that most strikers would have gone down like a stricken Eboue if Pogatetz had butted them in the back of the head :wink: ...


our Kev stays on his feet - and then gets slightly miffed that Poggy pretends he has been elbowed and asks the ref if he will send Davies off!! (hence the entirely justified throat-grab!!!!! :wink:)


Ref doesn't buy it - but still awards a free-kick to Portsmouth..


our Kev is more sinned-against than sinner..


I will admit he has loose elbows (rather like Alan Shearer did) - any player who has a strong "game in the air" will have the odd flying elbow - but he is not a dirty player - he is as honest as the day is long - he never goes down unless he is actually seriously injured - and he never dives...


I remember he once "fouled" Lehman - it looks like Lehman's legs are both broken - he writhes in agony - until the ref gives the free kick the other way - he leaps to his feet and races back to his goal-line. Replay shows that KD never even touched him...


I must go and see if I can find the vid....


here it is!!


watch this - and hang your head in shame!!!!




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My computer is REALLLY slow tonight so the video is taking ages to load but i remember it... Poor lehmann, that davies is such a thug.


Heres one for you Phil




Defend that if you will. How that is not worse then what Gilberto did yesterday (and Davies was much less provoked) i do not know. Yet he gets away with it. Cheating bolton...


Ref doesn't buy it - but still awards a free-kick to Portsmouth..


I know you're getting old Phil but don't you mean Boro???


And i take it as there is no answer to my question that your youth group take the mick out of your Bolton supporting as well?! Quite surprised you have a youth group Phil - i always thought URC's were full of old ladies?! :wink:

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My computer is REALLLY slow tonight so the video is taking ages to load but i remember it... Poor lehmann, that davies is such a thug.


I bet it is... there's the Wenger touch again - "My computer eez too slow - so I cannot see the incident!!"


Heres one for you Phil




Defend that if you will. How that is not worse then what Gilberto did yesterday (and Davies was much less provoked) i do not know. Yet he gets away with it. Cheating bolton...


KD got a yellow card for that - (Eboue was making out his ankle was broken - play-acting - the challenge wasn't that bad...) which is what the rules of the game are. hands raised to the body - like that - yellow card.. hands raised to the face - red card...


you're not suggesting KD should have been sent off are you..??


it's a shame you didn't find a copy of the whole incident. KD pushes Eboue over - onto the soft grass - Eboue makes like he has a fractured skull - then Eboue gets up and argues with the ref, trying to get KD sent off - then falls to the ground clutching his head again...


I think you have a bit of defending to do yourself there!! :wink:


I know you're getting old Phil but don't you mean Boro???


Indeed - I'm getting old!! don't mock the afflicted Helen - you'll be a Crinkly one day!! :lol:


And i take it as there is no answer to my question that your youth group take the mick out of your Bolton supporting as well?! Quite surprised you have a youth group Phil - I always thought URC's were full of old ladies?! :wink:


they are mostly girly-girls who are more interested in shopping than football. The one who is properly interested is a Chelsea fan - whose dad supports the Spuds...


she has enough intra-family football war without drawing me into it! I have fun laughing at her dad though!! :lol:


anyway - back to the subject in hand..


you neatly dodge the invitation to offer a single word in support of Lehman.... :lol:




(PS - of course Gilberto's sending off was harsh - but he should know better not to get wound up by Lilly!!)


PSx2 - I have two youth groups - one for years 5-7 and one for years 8 and above. We keep all the old ladies locked in a cupboard...

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The mind boggles dosn't it girls!!! :lol:


I am suggesting KD should have been sent off!!! Yes! I've seen the whole incident and don't believe Eboue is a diver, if you look back at that match (if your aged memory lets you) Eboue could have had a clear claim to a penalty as he is fouled in the box but he gets up and carrys on, if he was a diver he would have gone down like a sack of spuds then...


Lehmann (spell it right Phil - its 2 'n's!!!) is a nutcase and easily provoked i'll give you that, but i'd still rather have him then any other keeper in the premier league - anyhow all great goalies have a looney side Phil - perhaps thats why yours is so rubbish???!!!


What are you doing on the computer at nearly 1 am anyway???!!! Shouldn't old men be tucked up at that time with their pipe and slippers???

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The mind boggles dosn't it girls!!! :lol:


I am suggesting KD should have been sent off!!! Yes! I've seen the whole incident and don't believe Eboue is a diver, if you look back at that match (if your aged memory lets you) Eboue could have had a clear claim to a penalty as he is fouled in the box but he gets up and carrys on, if he was a diver he would have gone down like a sack of spuds then...


KD pushes Eboue over - yellow card offence - KD got a yellow card.. what's the problem?? why should he have been sent off??


Eboue is tackled by Davies - ordinary looking tackle..

Eboue writhes around with "broken ankle"

Eboue leaps up to confront Davies - and calls him a rude word! (forgetting broken ankle)

KD pushes him over (yay!! nice one Kev!) :wink:

Eboue goes down like a pansy onto the soft turf with suspected fractured skull

Eboue rolls around as if his skull is fractured in 3 places

Eboue forgets about the skull and the ankle and leaps up to ask the ref to send KD off (one of several incidents in that game where "Ooops, word censored!"nal players mob the referee...)

the ref isn't stupid - and knows the rules!! (yellow for KD)

Eboue remembers his fractured skull and falls the the ground clutching his head... (but his ankle seems to have been miraculously healed)

the gets up and plays the game as in he was never injured...


(maybe he was healed by the touch of KD on his chest?? :wink:)


Lehmann (spell it right Phil - its 2 'n's!!!) is a nutcase and easily provoked i'll give you that,




easily provoked?? watch again - he stamps on Jansen, pushes Jansen over while Jansen is running back up the field facing away from Lehman, and then feigns injury in order to try to get a player sent off. He does this time and time again.


a couple of seasons ago - you may remember this - he gave Juffy a torrent of abuse - Juffy dismissed him by waving his hand - making no contact whatsoever - Lehman falls to the ground clutching his head as if he has been shot by the crowd sniper - calls the physio over for an ice pack - remember - NO CONTACT WAS MADE! - and successfully gets juffy sent off with a straight red..


that's not "easily provoked" or lovable rogue - that's plain consistent cheating....


he's a good goalie (as is Jussi - as you well know!) - but he's right up there with our Juffy, and Lilly and not-the-real-Ronaldo amongst the most hated players in the premiership..


(Lehman isn't man enough for two n's... 8) )



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They taste pretty much the same to me :lol:


Old ladies* and sherry taste completely different... :shock:




* - a bit like chicken - only chewier...

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I can't see his avatar either Louise...


You forget the bad tackle that Davies did before - yellow for that, yellow for the push. Equals 1 red. We had this argument before.


I have just been looking back through this thread, and when i pointed out about the tackle and the push you didn't try and deny it... Can't remember what page it was on, about a third of the way through i think...


Phil, you can never convince me that any "Ooops, word censored!"nal player is bad - i am "Ooops, word censored!"nal blind you know that! its like :wall: trying to convince me otherwise... :wink::lol:




Old ladies* and sherry taste completely different...




* - a bit like chicken - only chewier...


Ugh! :vom:

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Phil, you can never convince me that any "Ooops, word censored!"nal player is bad - i am "Ooops, word censored!"nal blind you know that! its like :wall: trying to convince me otherwise... :wink::lol:


funnily enough, I was just about to post something very similar..


I write for a Bolton fanzine. One of my regular features is called TW-Spy (The Wanderer Spy)


the idea is simple - after any game (win or lose) - I visit the opposing team's most active Message Boards and gather comments/snippets to give a running commentary on how they were feeling pre - during - and post game.. (obviously it's more fun when we win - but I do it when we lose to - if you can give it, you have to be able to take it.. the recent Liverpool game was the most painful so far - though the Liverpool win was one of the most enjoyable - because Liverpool fans are so delusional you wouldn't believe it!!)


I intersperse their comments with my own witty and amusing asides... :wink:


So - I have visited the most popular message boards of all the prem. clubs this season and I never cease to be amazed how two sets of fans can view the same incident - even in slo-mo on MOTD or SKY - and still see it entirely differently..


I wear Bolton goggles - you wear "Ooops, word censored!"nal goggles - Martin wears Villa goggles (which, let's face it, are the most delusional of all!)


that's what makes football banter possible - and so enjoyable!! (whilst at the same time utterly frustrating!! - why don't they see it like I do - it's obvious isn't it??)


So here's to another 50 pages - and I believe in all this "Ooops, word censored!"nal-Bolton banter we are giving Chelsea and Villa far too easy a ride!!!



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