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Little help!!!

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Set up eglu run today and put the chickens in there to explore it. When we got back from going out they were quite happy and looked as if they didn't even go in the eglu. :roll:


Let them out of the run when we got home and Starlet came out after a little persuasion-cucumber again!!! But the other two didn't want to as they didn't want to go past the feeders.


When night time came they all went into the old wooden coop instead. Muddles couldn't work out how to get out of the run and I crawled in trying to get her in. Then she follwed me out. :?:lol:


So now they are all asleep in their old house. How should I get them to sleep in the eglu and not in the wooden coop. What should I do tomorrow with them?

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Probably you can pick them up from the coop and put them in the eglu once they have gone to bed. I think that's kinder than blocking the entrance to their coop.


Can you remove the coop all together, so their 'old home' is no longer there?


And/Or you could lock them in the eglu run just before bedtime and see what they do. A torch may attract them into the eglu.


You must be terribly disappointed - they've really let you down tonight! They'll learn in time though!


Good luck!

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Last night they got confused as I'd shut them in the eglu run. So I let them potter off to bed in the wooden coop. Then I moved them into the eglu. Muddles was so silly though-I put her in first when the door was shut and she could see a chink of light and was trying to push the door open!!!


Unfortunately we can't move the wooden coop out of the garden yet as we haven't found a buyer for it yet-or even advertised it up for sale. Plus the car's in there at the minute.

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Unfortunately we can't move the wooden coop out of the garden yet as we haven't found a buyer for it yet-or even advertised it up for sale. Plus the car's in there at the minute.



Blimey - that's gotta be a big coop then!!! (or a very small car..) :wink:



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Starlet and Muddles went in the eglu last night. Henrietta went to roost in the wooden coop. So when I got back I moved her into the eglu. I think she's getting ready to lay again as she never usually goes to bed in the nestbox.


It's just as well we have two houses at the minute though as Starlet and Muddles wanted to lay at the same time. Starlet was in the eglu. Muddles in the wooden coop.

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Great news that they've all finally found their way to bed in the eglu now Liz :D:D


I reckon that today will be the day when you really start to appreciate the benefits of the eglu over the wooden coop, as I'd suggest that as chicken houses they both serve their purpose quite satisfactorily. But when it comes to the cleaning and maintenance I'm sure that that's where the eglu comes into it's own, especially in the cold or wet weather when wood doesn't dry very well.... and you just want the job over and done with as quickly as possible :wink::D:D

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