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Strictly Come Dancing

Who do you think will win??  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you think will win??

    • Carol and Matthew
    • Claire and Brendan
    • Emma and Darren
    • Jan and Anton
    • Louisa and Vincent
    • Mark and Karen
    • Matt and Lilia
    • Peter and Erin
    • Ray and Camilla

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......... and the lycra :roll::lol:


I stopped watching it last night because the camera work makes me feel sea-sick :twisted: Am I the only one who finds this irritating? I'd like to have a proper view of the choreography - the same as the judges do - not forever looking up nostrils or at close ups of bosoms and bottoms.


Perhaps I'm just getting old :?

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......... and the lycra :roll::lol:


I stopped watching it last night because the camera work makes me feel sea-sick :twisted: Am I the only one who finds this irritating? I'd like to have a proper view of the choreography - the same as the judges do - not forever looking up nostrils or at close ups of bosoms and bottoms.


Perhaps I'm just getting old :?

I agree! It is so frustrating not being able to see the whole dance. The camera angle keeps changing and often we miss the footwork all together.

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......... and the lycra :roll::lol:


I stopped watching it last night because the camera work makes me feel sea-sick :twisted: Am I the only one who finds this irritating? I'd like to have a proper view of the choreography - the same as the judges do - not forever looking up nostrils or at close ups of bosoms and bottoms.


Perhaps I'm just getting old :?


I guess it just depends whose bottom your looking at................... :wink:

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What about Mark and Karen!!!


Despite the hideous mishap with the microphone, they produced the most SPECTACULAR performance of the series.


I LOVE them!!!!


I thought the dismal Jan Ravens very ungracious. She should have gone weeks ago.


Poor Anton....he's lovely....and so talented. Why do they always saddle him with old biddies?


On the other hand, naughty boy Brendan was very gracious in declaring a truce with the judges.

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What about Mark and Karen!!!


Despite the hideous mishap with the microphone, they produced the most SPECTACULAR performance of the series.


I LOVE them!!!!


I thought the dismal Jan Ravens very ungracious. She should have gone weeks ago.


Poor Anton....he's lovely....and so talented. Why do they always saddle him with old biddies?


On the other hand, naughty boy Brendan was very gracious in declaring a truce with the judges.


I agree - I thought Jans little "I hope you are happy" comment to the judges was really uncalled for.I think she was just upset to be knocked out when her kids were there, but it was just a silly thing to say.

And yes,poor Anton - I hope the give him someone young & dynamic next year.


As for Brendan, well I think that boy needs a good spanking :lol::wink::wink:

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Are the voters barking Mad????


We had another undeverving casualty last night due to silly voting.


Although Peter Schmeichel is absolutely lovely, his samba was totally excruciating and he should have gone.


Carol Smiley was a bit disappointing too....


But to vote off Ray and Camilla was completely ridiculous.


You could see judge Len mouthing "Thats wrong"


Mark and Karen as always were tremendous.

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I agree Eglutine


There was no way that Peter should still be in the competition


I was as disappointed with the judges as they really did lay into Carol and Matthew and those lifts were brilliant. I noticed during the routine the "three" lifts and thought Craigs score was more than harsh!


Great British Public - wake up and smell the coffee its a DANCING competition not a popularity vote


Sorry Rant over!

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Me too - and Tess in particular can't hide her disappointment. In fact everyone was shaking their heads and looking shocked.


:idea: DD2 suggested we vote OFF contestants by voting for everyone else except them. Peter MUST go next week.

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i think i might be on my own here, but peter is great, his ballroom isnt that bad, and he knew that the samba was not going to be anything special but he still did go out and give it ago and didnt take himself to seriously.


sorry guys and gals, but although it is a dance competition, it also for charity and a good one at that. give peter credit for getting lots of cash for a good cause.


i think i may have to go off and hide somewhere now


but i am sticking to my guns :D

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