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Black araucana boy?

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Okay I only have lavender aras to compare with. My black this morning now seems to have a slightly red comb and also, though non existent, I can see 3 little bumps on it. Starting to think this might be a boy as well :(


Any experts out there like to have a look? Lewis????




I so wanted this to be a girl, its the only one of the eggs my broody sat on to hatch (we brought in the others as 2 day olds). Also the only black ara we have :wall:


Edited to say that he or she is just over 5 weeks.

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Is that picture the most recent on you have?


From that at 5 weeks old I'd guess its a girl because its not standing up tall and has a small comb.

I've seen hens with bigger combs than that at 5 weeks, but they're not normally red until they're older so I don't know, could be a boy? Araucana cockerels don't have big combs anyway so it could be hard to tell?

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It was taken a few days ago so is quite recent. The little love doesn't really stand erect but more in a defensive pose like my other lavender (who I suspect could be a girl but not sure :D ). My other lavender with the red comb stands definatly more erect and proud :lol: It was the comb developing that worried me - maybe I am panicing too soon :doh: Really hope so.


Thanks for the comments, I suppose I will have to just wait and see :D

I think it's a girl. My Poppet looked very different to that at that age - wattle & more going on in the headgear department.




Oh I so hope so. Thank you :D

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This is my Lola at 7 weeks if it helps at all, although I am really not sure of her parentage or 100% certain she is female, but she acts it.





She is now 12 weeks and a couple of days and today is the first time I have seen a hint of redness in her face area. She has no wattles to speak of and some small bobbles on the comb area, within the hairdo.

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This is my Lola at 7 weeks if it helps at all, although I am really not sure of her parentage or 100% certain she is female, but she acts it.





She is now 12 weeks and a couple of days and today is the first time I have seen a hint of redness in her face area. She has no wattles to speak of and some small bobbles on the comb area, within the hairdo.


Oh Lola is lovely. Thank you for that. Did she have any bubbles on her comb at 7 weeks, do you recall. I can definately see a small pea comb developing, distinct bubbles :? However even my suspect lavender cockerel doesn't have those yet, just redness :?

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Claire, darker araucanas always seem to have that lacing around the edges of their feathers, they also have a rather unmelodious grating sort of noise as opposed to the regular chook noise.


I have one araucana/poland cross (dark grey with a white hairdo) and two araucanas (silver and white), all make the same noise.

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Phosphorus - Lola had tiny lumps about 1mm high and very pale in her centre parting. I've only just noticed redness this week, which she doesn't have today, at 5 weeks she was anaemic pale. Now she is 12 weeks though the bumps are about 3mm high at the most, and she has teeny weeny wattles which are about a millimetre long.


Clare - Yes, she does make a strange little noise and is always chattering to me, I wonder if the others know what she is on about. She especially likes looking at the plum tree and really tells me what she thinks of it when I lift her up to have a look :lol:

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There is hope yet then :D . I'm still not sure, whereas I am getting pretty sure about my lavender aras - the tails on them just seem to be pullet and cockerel shaped and the suspect cockerel is behaving just like one but obviously not crowing yet. He does squawk though..... :lol::lol:

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Claire, darker araucanas always seem to have that lacing around the edges of their feathers, they also have a rather unmelodious grating sort of noise as opposed to the regular chook noise.


I have one araucana/poland cross (dark grey with a white hairdo) and two araucanas (silver and white), all make the same noise.


Mine doesn't have any lacing :? My lavender boy(??) is making a lovely squawk noise though :lol:

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