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Blustery day!!

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It is so windy here today that I have had to put the hens back in the run as they were being blown off their feet.


Ever so comical to watch but could have been dangerous for them.


Dustbins all over the place, scaffolding rattling ominously, leaves all over the place......very autumnal.

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It's blowing a gale and pouring up here - the chickens are all huddled together, and Tigger is refusing to go out - he's sitting staring at the weather at the patio doors just now.


Had hoped to avoid taking the car out tonight, on a rare evening out, but looking at the weather, I'm not sure I want to either stand at a bus stop, or wait around in the weather for a txi, so it looks like a sober night for me. :roll:

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It's been windy on the North Devon coast too. I opened the run door but the girls weren't even that fussed about coming out, preferring the sheltered spots in the run - they do look sweet when their feathers get blown around - they look like little feathery umberella's turning inside out! :wink:

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