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Sore throat

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Hi everyone,


Has anyone got any ideas for helping a sore throat? I've woken up with it and had a good look to see that from the roof of my mouth all the way down my throat is bright red and lumpy which is probably why it hurts! :cry:


OH has just moaned that I should go to the doctors but I went for the first time in a long time last week and got given some antibiotics for a UTI which I reckon is why I'm now poorly because I'm sure antibiotics just end up making you feel worse in the long term.... :?:evil:


Have done the honey and lemon thing but haven't had a sore throat for ages since I had my tonsils whipped out about 3 years ago so not sure what else to try - I've heard that chocolate is good - anyone tried it??


Thank you! :wink:

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I get tonsillitis a lot, Kate and always resort to antiseptic lozenges from the chemists. I won't have antibiotics unless my life depends on it because I don't think they're good for you if you have too many. The lozenges usually help with the soreness and clear up any infection quickly. I also drink plenty of water to clear my system!

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Yes, Kate is right about the antibiotics. They will also make you feel down in the dumps too. It sounds like you might have a bit of thrush in your throat (antibiotics can also bring this on as a side effect)


Keep drinking lots of water with honey and fresh squeezed lemon juice (8 glasses a day), and you can also try gargling with some soluable asprin or TCP.


If you have some Eucalyptus oil, add a few drops to a bowl of hot water and steam your face under a towel. You can also use this to gargle with, but you only need a tiny drop. The steam will circulate around the tubes in your face and ears and throat


Take a high strength odourless garlic capsule everyday too - this will top your immune system.


My Mum has got this too - she was poorly with it for a day or two, then developed lots of catarrah.....keep steaming!

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I second all that. Steam, more steam & yet more steam. Honey & lemon is good because the honey is soothing & also disguises the acidity of the lemon, but the lemon acids do cut through the secretions. Salt water gargles are supposed to be good too, but I never fancy that because I'm worried about swallowing it by accident :oops: If you can bear it crunchy foods, toast & crisps etc can be good because the sharp edges can clear cut into debris and clear it away. On that principle those recovering from tonsillectomies are given toast now, rather than the jelly & ice-cream soothing things that we used to give. It's often helpful to use general pain killers to, paracetamol, ibuprofen or whatever to help with the pain.

On the subect of antibiotics and sore throats, most sore throats are viral, and current guidance is to not give antibiotics in most cases as they are rarely effective, and, in theory at least most sore throats will resolve (or at least improve) within 48 hrs. Most GP's won't prescribe now for sore throats of less than 72 hrs duration unless of course there are other complications or illnesses to be taken into account.

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I remember having my tonsils out well - I'd never experienced such pain before and never have done since - having my gall bladder removed was a walk in the park compared to my tonsils! I remember being in hospital the morning after and being given toast - ouch.... The crisps worked though - sharp edges and lots of salt. It took two weeks for me to feel relatively normal again. The best thing was the painkillers - waking up in the morning with raging ear ache as well as the pain in my throat, needing my pain killers but not being able to have them until I'd eaten and not being able to eat until I'd taken the pain killers! Wow :shock: ! I really wish I'd had them done as a child - I was 20 when they finally agreed :? !


I will give the steam thing a go right now - thank you everyone!

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Kate - keep them in!

I had mine out when I was about 20 - absoloute murder! Mind you I did suffer terribly before hand with thrush in the throat, and I was glad to be rid of them at the end. Not had any problems since (touching wood now) and I think it was worth it somehow :roll:

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They only took mine out because as soon as I stopped the antibiotics for one lot of tonsillitis the next infection would start and I ended up really rather poorly :? ... I didn't have any choice so had to have them out but it was by far the most painful thing I have ever experienced :shock: - if you get any choice, keep them - it can be relatively dangerous to have them removed and is very painful - I'm no doctor but having had it done it's just what I'd say from experience - that said I've only had 4 throat infections in the last few years apart from this little bit of thrush in my throat so it was worth it.... :)

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Just what I was about to say Jane - it is really quick and effective. I also had my tonsils out in my 20's and it is really painful, but I found the gall bladder more painful then having tonsils out and worst pain of all was having lung drained twice because of pneumonia and pleurisy :(


I know of someone who uses Citricidal for sore throats and awears by it but it is extremely bitter apparently! :shock:


I don't use lemon because it always makes my throat worse. I use honey and water or honey and milk for general sipping, and then Tyrozets lozenges (anaesthetic effect) and/or the spray if I need to suppress the pain to enable me to go out or to speak.


hope you feel much better now Kate?

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Hi Lesley,


I think you're the only other person I know to be missing both tonsils and their gall bladder! Trying desperately to convince myself that I feel much better this morning but I don't think it's working - it's still all lumpy and sore! Taking all the advice though - steaming lots and have got some of that spray which has eased it for the time being - tried the Citricial but couldn't do it - yuk!


Give it a couple of days and I'm sure I'll be fine - I knew the antibiotics would be trouble!


Thanks everyone.... :D

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I did say when they took my gall bladder out that I would appreciate it if they just removed all the other bits that I don't really need at the same time to stop them going wrong but I just got this rather :? look from the doctor... never mind... :D

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OUCH - Lesley! No knee cap.. :shock: ...now that does sound painful. Knees are one of those funny things that make me...go weak at the knees (!), a bit like eyes when they go wrong.



My brother had key hole surgery on his knee (football injury) and I could barely look at the scars let alone feel it :?



Did they replace your knee cap with something similar? Now I understand why you were so thirlled with being able to walk on OH's birthday

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