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Oh Good Luck Ballgunner! Great thing to do! Hope you've been chatting to Emma and KateA lots about what to do with your new arrivals. Let's hope its not too cold when they arrive, and that they have lots of feathers....

Do make sure you take lots of pictures so we can see their progress as they become "proper" chickens!

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Hi Ballgunner, I've just had a phone conversation with Jean about this rescue, and logged on to alert you to the fact that it's happening...... only you already know :D . At least I'm assuming that you're collecting your hens from Jean :? .

As I understand it the date could be either 20th or 27th January, either way it's a Saturday, but she's still waiting for the farmer to confirm.

I've got fingers crossed that it's the 27th as we've got a weekend away with friends on the 20-21st Jan, and since it's all because of hubby's birthday I can't really cry off....... even though I'd love to be at the rescue.

Hopefully I'll get to meet you there (I'll be the one covered in chicken poo..... they get me every time, much to the hilarity of my fellow rescuers who manage to stat pristine :roll::oops::oops: ).

You might get to meet some other forum regulars as well :D

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