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Keeping me bunnies warm tonight?

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i have two male bunnies that share a double teir hutch outside. Forecast show that temperatures are to reach below -3 tonight and so I was just wondering 1. If i should bring them in (their hutch is covered in tarpullin (sp) on the bottom layer and a separate piece to bring down for the night with 2and a half bags of straw used in it and the hutch is protected by our 6ft fence). 2. If i put a warm blanket in where they sleep would they sunggle it or eat it? My moms worried they will eat it?


Can anyone help?


Thanks muchly



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If they are fit and healthy and if they've been outside all the time then they should have grown a nice thick winter coat. So they would be too warm if you bring them in. As long as they have tons of dry straw and hay to snuggle down in and are protected from rain/snow/wind they should be fine outside. My buns have been out all winter and prefer to sit on the cold concrete everynight until I force them to go to bed at around 8pm :roll:

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i bought one of those 'bunny warmers' that you heat for 6 minutes in the microwave, then it gives of 10 hours of slow release heat.. bunnies would not have a bar of it and took to avoiding the sleeping compartment of the hutch.. they are SO ungrateful! :lol:


now their hutch is in the greenhouse, and they have free run of the greenhouse in the day but are in the hutch overnight.. it's still cold enough in there for their water to freeze overnight but they seem perfectly happy.

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Everyone has already answered these questions and I too worry over deep freeze bunnies and mine too largely avoid the two microwave heating pads I put into their eglu/run.


My bunnies' run is raised by a thick made-to-fit platform of wood and then layered with pet beds and blankets, with heaps of straw in the eglu. That said, they very often move the blankets to find the bare wood on the bottom of the run and sit on that!!!


Frank, our previous rabbit, bless him, had a pet bed with blankets and never ate the bedding. Bonnie and Bandit tend to nibble at theirs and I assume consume the small holes they make in the blankets, although poops are always fine. I guess that blankets are not a good idea on the whole (they do it to towels too) unless your bunny promises not to eat them. :)

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