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ARGHHHHHHHHH......house full of teenagers

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It's INSET day so my lovely son thought he would invite all his mates round (and I mean ALL :shock::shock: ) Daughter is very sensibly going out shopping with her mates


Some of them had never met a chicken before so were introduced to Belle who is the friendliest and most cuddly of all our girls. Lots of ahhhhs and ohhhs. Now everyone wants a pet a chicken in an purple eglu because they're cool 8)8)8)8)


Hey at last an old fogey is vaguely trendy in the eyes of todays youff :D:D

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It's INSET day so my lovely son thought he would invite all his mates round (and I mean ALL :shock::shock: ) Daughter is very sensibly going out shopping with her mates


Some of them had never met a chicken before so were introduced to Belle who is the friendliest and most cuddly of all our girls. Lots of ahhhhs and ohhhs. Now everyone wants a pet a chicken in an purple eglu because they're cool 8)8)8)8)


Hey at last an old fogey is vaguely trendy in the eyes of todays youff :D:D


:lol: It's a shock to the system isn't it!! It regularly happens to us because we only live round the corner from the secondary school - if there is a half-day, then it seems perfectly natural to them all simply to walk round the corner to Hywel's house..


the down side is feeding them all - at that age - 14/15 - they eat more than is humanly possible!!



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Being a bit more "out in the sticks" we avoid too many teenagers descending on the house.

Just as well really.Our girls eat like horses,so I am sure a tribe of them would empty the fridge in no time at all :roll:


We have also yet to have a teenage boy in the house,although I am sure that both my girls are working hard to rectify that situation :lol:

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the down side is feeding them all - at that age - 14/15 - they eat more than is humanly possible!!




You're not kidding....nothing prepared me for the amount of food that teenage boys can put away!!!!


Regarding the hen's.... my sons friends all think I'm a batty old biddy....but are highly amused when I order them out into the garden to .....erm....shall we say... do a bit of foxproofing. Strictly under cover of darkness of course!

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:lol: It's a shock to the system isn't it!!


the down side is feeding them all - at that age - 14/15 - they eat more than is humanly possible!!





Yes it is a bit of a shock - normally only have 2-3 at time but today i lost count after 11 teenagers :shock::shock: I'm sure there are more now but they're just spread about the house in smaller groups.


Did at one point try to fit them all in son's room (only 9ft by 9ft) as that's where the PS2/X Box lives but they didn't all fit.


And they do eat more than humanly possible - sure the fridge was full was morning - never mind, Ocado are on their way :D:D Homemade cakes using our girls eggs went down very well, lots of mmmmmmmmmmmmms

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am i going 2 b the only teenager 2 stick up 4 all teens out there? it looks like it :lol: well most teens r bad i know but most cant help it, its hormones and stuff (even the grunts arent just them being unsocial and difficult believe it or not!!!) :D it is true teenage boys do have ENORMOUS feet and they spurt up 2 b extremely tall all of a sudden. i feel sorry 4 every1 who has 2 put up with huge teenage gatherings....and it is also true that we eat a lot coz we do but where else will we get the energy from 2 work hard @ school and get brilliant GCSEs??? :D and what is testosterone levels by the way??


On the whole teenage life isnt 2 bad i still have a long way 2 go but i think its generally harder 4 the parents than the teens themselves :lol:


sophs xxx

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it wasn't so bad having a house full of teenagers, just a bit of a shock as i wasn't expecting soooooooooo many. :shock::shock::shock:


Some of them did even manage to thank me for letting them all come round for the day. :D:D


I'd rather have them all at my house rather than hanging around on the streets for the day.

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I love having teenagers around :shock: . I don't like the damage they inflict on my fridge, but I'm so lucky that my children have great friends and we regularly get invaded by teenagers. I think it's the rumour that there might be cake in our house :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: .

I don't always agree with the teenage friends, in fact I don't always agree with the teenage son and daughter but we've had some great discussions and they've made me see some things in a different light :D .

That said the Mum is always right still exists in my house.......... in my opinion anyway :roll::wink:

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