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Biorb fish tank

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We once had a fish called Dave, but i rather like the thought of one called Bruce Willis!!! :lol:

Neon tetras are lovely, I used to like those scissor tails too, kissing fish - but my favourites were guppies!!!

You can get some very cool accessories now, in my day it used to be a stone bridge, a magnetic cleaner thing, a treasure chest that opened & closed and a diver!!!! :roll:

Like the Biorbs!



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We bought a 60litre Biorb 18 months ago and cycled it for ages before adding fish (maybe a week or two?) Then we added 4 Danios which I have to say are completely bomb proof and have survived about 4 changes of tanks and a couple of emergency rescues when they've jumped into the filter bit at the back of our new tank!


We got rid of the Biorb recently because I found it impossible to see the fish well - the curve distorted it too much and also we couldn't get many fish in. It really did look cool though.


I had the i-Light on the programme that was on for 8 hours at a time but it was tricky to do it so my dh saw the fish in the evening! The pump was quite noisy too.



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