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Has anyone else out there been watching Skins which finished last night?


Ok, I know that at 40 I am probably not the target audience of a show like this, but I thought it was just brilliant & covered some really good topics.

The daughters really liked it too (although it was a bit adult sometimes

:? )

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I don't think I got it either really.

But he looked a bit dead to me (except when he started singing,of course :lol: )


Nicholas Hoult is doing the second series though - maybe he will be injured,or be a ghost......


I do feel a bit wrong about this- I mean,he was the kid in "About A Boy" :oops: - but I do think he is very,very lovely 8)

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absolutely LOVED watching skins and at 26 just outside their target audience too


It's so funny watching something based locally (ish) in Bristol, and the storyline is very believable. and I can't wait for the new series!


really weird ending tho....




Good grief I'm over the hill now as I'm 26 :shock::(


It didn't say what happened to Tony, but left it open......

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We didn't see it first time round, but are watching now!


Still got latest episode to go (on video) as we were on hols, but watched previous week last night (if you see what I mean).


Great stuff! And good to have something worth watching on TV at last! Surely we must get some more goodies again soon now its autumn (eg Desperate Housewives, Lost, 6 ft under, that plastic surgery thingy, etc) Come on Channel 4!!

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