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Does anyone have a Frizzle (or more!)? I am trying to find a way of getting some (and getting round mother to let me have another couple of hens!) and they would probably have to be banties.


What are they like and what are their eggs like?


Am I mad to be considering adding to my little flock of banties?!

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No, but I've got 12 white Frizzle bantam eggs in the incubator! They are so cute aren't they? The eggs I have are small and white and the chap I got them from lives in Warwickshire I think - he has a web-site. I'll go and have a look, not sure how to post links though!

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No, but I've got 12 white Frizzle bantam eggs in the incubator! They are so cute aren't they? The eggs I have are small and white and the chap I got them from lives in Warwickshire I think - he has a web-site. I'll go and have a look, not sure how to post links though!


:shock::shock: Fee, how many more are you incubating!! You are doing this on purpose to keep us oohhing and aaahhing over pictures of cute chicks aren't you?? :lol:

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No, but I've got 12 white Frizzle bantam eggs in the incubator! They are so cute aren't they? The eggs I have are small and white and the chap I got them from lives in Warwickshire I think - he has a web-site. I'll go and have a look, not sure how to post links though!


:shock::shock: Fee, how many more are you incubating!! You are doing this on purpose to keep us oohhing and aaahhing over pictures of cute chicks aren't you?? :lol:

I'm getting so desperately broody for chicks :roll:

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I have a frizzle :lol:


to be honest, she's a bit of a grumpy old bag! she also lays white, long eggs every other day and she's very funny to watch :D


I know of two breeders in Kent selling frizzles right now, not sure where you are....pm if you would like their numbers.


Tara xxx

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ohhhh frizzle babies!! :D:idea:


Im in Northamptonshire, so quite a way from kent, sadly. I am still trying to persuade Mother to let me have some... well, I have 2 bantams, surely 2 more wouldnt make TOO much mess?! :roll:


Such odd little creatures, arent they?!

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