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Thanks Kate - thought I might be on a sticky wicket after the whole wonder woman pants, and evening outfit thread! I still have your email, so will send you a photo Thursday night/Friday morning!

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I just took my cake out of the oven for tomorrow, and it hasn't risen.


Not even a millimetre..


In fact - I think it may have sunk a little bit.


Even the cat gave it a wide berth and stole a scone instead..


I'm too embarassed to post the photo - it looks AWFUL.


Can I post a photo of my scones instead? They're yummy!


ps Lesley - the cheque was posted this afternoon!

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I baked a deliberately sunken cake on monday, took some artful photos of it and then we all ate it :shock: . Now hubby has lost his digital photo reader, so the photo is on the camera, with no way of transferring it from camera to 'puter :roll: Either I'm baking again tonight (but I don't think my waistline would forgive me that), or I'm looking for virtual pics in the morning. Of course, hubby could just come round to my way of thinking, appreciate how important this is..... and go look for the darned thing :roll:

Lesley, slightly embarrassed that so far I've done nothing about a cheque, children going back to school and activities quickly emptied my cheque book :shock: as multiple payment demands came in for dance classes, football registration & subs and a plethora of school trips. Thankfully I've recieved a new one today, so if you could kindly PM me your details I'll stick one in the post asap.

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Can I let you into a secret? Lesley and I have taken pictures off the internet to use :wink: ! Lesley's is......ummm.......unusual, to say the least. Mine is truly spectacular!! I've got a real cake that I've baked to post too but the one I'm officially using is way better! Go and do a google if you're too embarrassed to post - that's what we did :lol: !

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Ohh? :shock: Am I the first? :shock: Not surprising bearing in mind the time. :( Now, as it is 6am there are some who would say that it is too early for cake. :?:o I disagree.

:D I am going to start off with some carrot cake - that counts to one portion of fruit and veg. Then I may have some lemon cake with lemon curd - two portions, chocolate cake for the calcium in the milk chocolate, and a nice piece of fruit cake should take care of the rest of the 5 portions a day!!! :D:D:D:D:D

Sorry I dont have time to download the pictures of the cake but anyway, yum yum, mmm, mmm............there are only crumbs left!! Have a great day everyone and think of me slogging at work when you are having your coffee morning at a more civilised time :D:wink:

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