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First Day Questions.

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Hi All,


Got my first ever chickens today, they are 3 rescue hens. Even had an egg already, I'm so excited!!!


My question is how do I get them into the eglu for the night. They were eating and drinking like mad up until about 30 mins ago, now they are laying on the floor.


Should I put them into the eglu or leave them to go in of their own accord? Is it OK to shut them away from water all night?


Any advice greatly received! Kim


Dot, Samantha and Ruby. The new arrivals!

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Hi Kim,


Congratulations on the new arrivals - love the names. They should go into the Eglu on their own as it starts to get dark but if not, you can either try gently persuading them with a broom or try putting a torch in the Eglu to guide them in. They should get the idea. If they don't, you can always post them very gently through the eggport on the side.


Good luck. My girls are still up and about but they'll be heading off to bed in a little while once they've had their supper :wink: .

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Had my first chickens yesterday and I waited untill 9.00pm and they still didn't go to bed, they all went to sleep in the run, so I tried the torch in the Eglu thing but it didn't work so I picked them up out of the run and opened the egg shoot and put them in the Eglu with the main door closed. Might have to do the same tonight with the looks of it :roll:

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Just got them to bed. Tried the broom but they did'nt like it! Hubby then shone a torch into the eggport while I shooed them along the run with the broom. It worked a treat!


We did laugh at some of the strange noises coming from the eglu :lol:


I don't think they were ready for bed :D

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Its now a week on and we are in a great routine! They go to bed on their own about 8.30. Ive had loads of eggs and they are delicious.


They have begun to demolish the lettuce I put in even though they ignored it for about 3 days, they go mad for it now!


Was struggling in the rain a bit today though, they looked so sorry for themselves all bedragggled so I rigged up an all over cover made from plastic bin liners and clothes pegs, seems to of worked!


Do your hens mind getting wet???? They didnt go inside even when it was pouring down, is this normal???


They are all developing their own personalities now and I've been pecked by Dot more than once!!!!

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Mine are happy to get soaked but they look so uncomfortable.


I permanently leave the Winter shade half over the run so that they can have some protection from the weather.


They dont seem to like being in full sun for too long - In the morning they are fine but lunchtime onwards they like the shade 8)

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Just wanted to say that the way your name is spelt is quite unusual. It is normally spelt Jamie isn't it?

My name is Jaime too, spelt the same as yours. My Mum said that spelt the other way is Jam-ee. lol :lol:


Not very interesting/exciting I know but just wanted to say that I'm a Jaime too!! :wink:

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Dear All, I have my three girls now, but I am still very new (1 day owner!) They look O.K. but it is a very cold wind and now they keep going back into the Eglu, to keep warm I think. I assume this is normal behaviour as they are eating and drinking o.k. I have 3 Cornish Meadow birds one Red one Blue and one Silver thay are very beautiful. Does any one else have Cornish hens? Babchick, akka Babs Greig

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