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The pre-production orders were all free delivery: that's why I jumped on the bandwagon just before the launch. Now that they are in production, I imagine that the normal delivery charges will apply.


What brochure is this? I have never seen an Omlet brochure.

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It is free and I have ordered it. madness, I must be crazy but hey ho it's done and with Mikey's blessing :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance: I also found out the nest area is accessable by a hole the size of a basket ball and also removable for big girls like mine :D



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I have just ordered a purple cube with extension and 2 more chooks!!!! I have been dithering about it for days but have finally dragged the credit card out and taken the plunge. :D I don't have a date yet but have been assured they come strictly in order regardless of colour or whether you are getting more chickens or not. I had thought I might get it quicker without chickens but was going into a panic about putting it together. 6 weeks does sound an awfully long time once decided but they say patience is a virtue :roll:


Hopefully I should get mine just after you Buffie.

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Thanks Clare. I've got how long to wait...9 weeks I think Jil. It'll go quickly but I can save up. We aren't doing holidays except for little breaks so this is the treat. We have gone for 3m's of run. So in the winter they have a big area to play about in and save the garden. They will be allowed out too of course :D


I feel all excited again...Imagine how Kate is feeling now





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It's so exciting Buffie but I was a bit upset to see you say 9 weeks! :( I thought the delay was only about 6!!! I have ordered the run with extension which I think takes it up to 3m. Is that what you are getting? I thought that they would have plenty of room then if I am not around. Like you I am not planning a big holiday so this is my treat to me :lol: I went to Barbados in December and Australia in February so it will be quite nice to be at home this summer (especially if the weather improves a bit) I can't wait to get the cube - it seems such a long time. I will have 5 girls then so it should be really nice for them. Def a des res :wink: I will let you know when they give me a date for delivery.

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Hmmm no mention of waiting as long as six weeks when I got my phone call - but it will be worth waiting for.


And I understood that delivery is free too - it says so on the letter that came with the brochure today!


I needed a brochure even though I have ordered a cube, for 'advertising' when people visit.

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Can I just set the record straight that we have chosen 9 weeks, not been told 9 weeks. I have asked for july 19th , money and time off, to have the cube so please don't worry. It's not Omlet telling me that long...relax everyone you'll soon have a lovely cube in your garden :D:D:D


Oh what fun...can't wait but will :D



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Thanks Buffie. That's great. Hopefully I will have mine in six weeks and will be able to tell you all about it. I am sure that once they get the production sorted they will come rollings off the line really quickly. My new Sussex Hybrid is still being bullied by my old girl (the Mrs Pepperpot) and I think they will just have got used to each other when the two new ones arrive and they will all have to jostle for position again :roll: Still they will have more space to avoid each other!

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When I went to a local breeder there was not a huge choice - quite a relief!!! I chose the Sussex Hybrid because she was so pretty but I really fancy a Bluebelle - luckily they did not have any at the moment but it gives me something else to look forward to :lol: After they say the cube and extension will hold up to 10 :roll: although I think that is rather pushing it. Still I will only have 5 so another one could easily slip in :wink:

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Hi , I've posted pics of my cube in the gallery ( in the first section marked "Chicken Gallery" and they are called "Eglu cube") . The hole is definately big enough to get the largest bird out & the eggport door is bigger as it is "squared off" so there shouldn't be a problem . I've put a fuller description on the thread "Kate & Jenny tell us about it". If anyone wants a particular part photographed or measured . let me know . Also if anyone wants to come & see it in the flesh , they're more than welcome.

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