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And who says martha wont be back - he has her phone after all.

Ideally I would like Rose back (and it would keep (& Paul) happy :roll::lol: )

Actually Dr Who confidential suggested she wasn't there full time, the way she phrased it she could be in it a bit, or leaving :?

I'm doing a full U-turn maybe it was the writing and Martha is really good. :?


Maybe the nail varnish is a new image for Dr Who's hand in the jar?! :wink:

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I'm not sure about Catherine Tate unless she will be more serious. OH says she did some acting as well as her show. I'm hoping to be proved wrong. Maybe a more mature companion would work as with John Smith (?) in the Blood family episodes.

It does work better when it is darker.

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CT is a trained actress. thats what she started out as. I'm just not sure if the viewers will be able to throw off the CT that we all know, bovvered etc.



Just looked her up

Catherine is a graduate of the Central School of Speech and Drama, and Royal National Theatre


She spent a year with the Royal Shakespeare Company before she turned to stand- up comedy

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I'm probably in a minority, but I really dislike her comedy and don't find her a bit funny. I thought she'd be awful in Dr Who. But I really liked her - she IS a good actress so I think she might be OK as a companion. Will have to wait and see now! :D

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I must admit that the little bit I have seen of CT on TV was not pleasing to me, in fact I complained to the BBC as it was a clip advertising her show (don't know which one). It was shown after Working Lunch on BBC2 at (surprisingly!) lunch time one day, & the language in the clip was terrible.

Having said that, I have seen DT in a glimpse of a programme that was similar in it's language, & I turned that off, too.

Sometimes it is hard to remember that these people are only actors & only playing the parts which are written for them. :wink:

I will give her the benefit of the doubt.

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here is lego dr who:[warning; funny!]


1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGvIb_7SV14&NR=1


2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWUeKdHRIpA&mode=related&search=


3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6fy8WviCPU&mode=related&search=


4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOt1idzODYc&mode=related&search=


5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFx5otjA0KY&mode=related&search=


6: coming soon



I came across them in youtube and there is no bad stuff in it at all. [i checked twice] Do not watch it if you have a fear of computer graphical lego people.

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I've watched them :D

I was upset OH said the graphics were from a computer game :( I thought they'd produced the lego people and were really clever :oops::roll:

I like the way they have cut in 2-3 soundbytes from Captain Jack, the glove puppet and the pringle's can.


On different Dr Who theme, can you get hold of the music? I like the incidental music during the episodes.

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On different Dr Who theme, can you get hold of the music? I like the incidental music during the episodes.


i know you can get the "next time" music but i have not really paid attention to the incidental music as was checking for unsuitable words as was watching with little bro. http://club.omlet.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12387 :wink::roll::D


BTY they are from lego star wars 2

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BTW I found a good poem in DR WHO ADVENTURES


Doctor Who!Doctor Who?

AllI wish is to be with you!

I'll meet monsters,I'll have a scare,

Together we make a pretty good pair!

I don't care where we go,

Lets meet Shakespeare,join the show!

Doctor Who!Doctor Who?

All I wish is to be with you

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Yes - my 6 year old - wish I had time to sit and watch it with her. Her Dad gets that luxury while I slope off to my office to work after tea. Just finished, so going off to watch the news. I think they have recorded tonight's for me as I never saw it first time round (Queen Victoria and the Werewolf). Will hopefully persuade Layla to watch it again in the morning when I am on parent duties....

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I wonder what would happen if a time lord got turned into a cyberman?

regenerate? die?regenerate as a cyberman?


Perhaps the conversion would knock out the part of a Time Lord's anatomy that allows them to regenerate?


Did you know that Time Lords only have 12 regenerations (don't know how much of a fan you are so apologies if I am telling you something that you already know). Anyway, at the speed they replace The Doctor these days we will be up to 12 in no time and then what?? Have you heard that Tennant is leaving part way through the next season? I'm sure the Production team think that having Catherine Tate in every episode will keep the public glued to their sets during the transition (she is actually the reason why a lot of my mates won't be watching Season 4 at all).




Good point.I did know it,but not for sure.

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