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We love it too


My OH is a big fan, (you would never know) although I think he likes old Doctor Who a little more than the new ones

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It was good wasn't it!


The scarecrows were very frightening.


When I was little about 2 million years ago there used to be an ad for Birds Eye Rissoles which featured a scarecrow and it used to petrify me and I've been jittery about them ever since.


Useless bit of info coming up.....


Vis a Vis Daniel's recent visit to a Pet Shop Boys gig.


Did you know that David Tennant changed his professional name from McDonald to Tennant as there was already an actor called David McDonald and you can't have 2 with the same name....and he chose Tennant because he quite liked the Pet Shop Boys at the time and thought David Tennant had a ring to it.

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When I was little about 2 million years ago there used to be an ad for Birds Eye Rissoles which featured a scarecrow and it used to petrify me and I've been jittery about them ever since.


Birds Eye Rissoles or scarecrows? :?




Oh....very good! :lol: I meant scarecrows but now you come to mention it the rissoles were pretty minging! :lol:

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I was a big softy watching last night- I jumped and gasped when the scarecrow appeared at the window

wo-ooooooh :wink:

A bit like the time I watched Dracula at the cinema about 15 years ago- I actually screamed when the bat appeared upside down unexpectedly :anxious:

That's why, for various reasons, I will not watch a film at the cinema rated over a 12!

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