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I have a new avatar!


It looks like I would if I was about 4 stone lighter. Other than that it is totally authentic. Yes I do have one of those guitars (Epiphone Les Paul in blue) I last plugged it into an amp about 5 years ago! I play acoustic most of the time now. Our living room is as messy as that most days!



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it goes like this ahem *clearing my throat*

Here comes the cube, do da do di., here comes the cube and I say it looks allright ti dododo dododo dododo ditum datlle.




edit: I havent editted it as such I apologise for the the bad seppling but I have bean suplied wiv a spell chekker with no bo,lts



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I can't do it for you as I don't have access to tinker with your profile.


Below is the info from the using the Forum "Sticky"


ADDING AN AVATAR (like the picture below my name on the left)


To add an avatar to your profile, you need to trawl through the internet search engines (Google's good) looking for "animated avatars" or "animated GIFs". When you find one you like - it doesn't have to be animated if you'd prefer a less manic one - you click the right hand button of your mouse over it and a menu will come up. The picture has to be less than 12K or no more than 80 pixels high or wide so click on "Properties" to see if it's the right size. On the menu, select "Save picture as" - in the box that comes up when you do that, you can choose where the picture will be stored on your computer. I always put them straight into "My Pictures" which is the file the computer automatically selects for you. Click "save". The picture is then stored in a file ready for use. Right, now go into "Profile" in this forum and find the "Upload Avatar from your machine" bit at the bottom. You need to click on the "Browse" button to find where your picture is stored. You'll see the "My Pictures" file automatically appear when you do that and all you have to do is find the name of the picture you've saved. Double click on that name and it should appear in the box next to the "Browse" button. All you now have to do is click "Submit" and it should be in your profile.


Hope this helps. If you get stuck I'm sure a moderator will advise.


Good luck.


Can't get the "Here Comes the Sun" tune out of my head now!!!! :roll:

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I would like to add my original avatar to the bottom of my page, like where you have your lovely pecking chooks. I don't want to get rid of the 'Proclaimers' version of meez just yet as it took so long to do! (network connection speed you understand!)


I did try but it came out as text,



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All you have to do to add it to your signature is go to your profile, scroll down to the bit where you change your signature and add the web address of your photo in to the signature, with at%20the%20start%20and at the end.


So, for example, the Big Chicken logo in my signature is mearly BigChicken.png without the * at the beginning.


Tis easy peasy once you know how! :D

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