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I love Brussel Sprouts and we have already had some organic ones this year. Absolutely delicious! I don't like them overcooked though so won't start cooking mine until December 25th. Is that OK?


Great to hear of Whiteladies Road (which becomes Blackboys Hill :!: ). I lived in Bristol for 3 years and it's where I met my husband. I couldn't begin to count the number of times I've walked up/down there. It was sometimes 3 return trips a day - I was very fit in those days, long, long ago :!:I love Bristol :!:

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Ginette, I love Bristol too.


My bestest friend moved there (has sinced moved further south to Southampton now) but I loved visiting her.


She lived just off Whiteladies Road sort of round the back of the furniture place...Maples or something like that which I think has closed now..in a lovely part of the town. It had a grass square infront of their house with a pub opposite. Oh yes, and an old fashioned barbers shop at top corner with one of the old fashioned red and white stripy sticks outside.


I remember we had a barbeque on that communal grass square. It was a lovely afternoon. Then we realsied we had left a perfect burnt out sqaure where the barbeque had been. Ooops :oops:

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I remember the Barbers with the proper moving 'candy stick' outside!


I lived in Stoke Bishop and then Clifton, which was great. There was a bakers and you could buy fresh, warm bread at 3am :!: I didn't do that often, I hasten to add :oops: It's a great place.


We have taken the children there, in fact we had our family holiday in Bristol last year and they're asking to go back! There's a fantastic science museum called @Bristol and it's really hands on. Your ticket allows you to come and go all day and there is just so much to do in there. It's down near the Arnolfini and the Watershed.

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I haven't been for a few years now, ever since my friend moved really, but yes, that's where she lived, in Clifton.


I loved it down by the port, and there are some fab places to eat too.


I might suggest a trip down memory lane and go back and visit with my friend....

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I haven't been for a few years now, ever since my friend moved really, but yes, that's where she lived, in Clifton.


I loved it down by the port, and there are some fab places to eat too.


I might suggest a trip down memory lane and go back and visit with my friend....


And if you're seeing her down in Southampton let me know - we're only an hour away (or 35 minutes if you are driving at 6.15am when I go to work :wink: )

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