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Pekin Bantams

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We had a Pekin once. She was pretty but had feathered feet which meant that they got very muddy in wet weather. She was also very near to the ground so her belly feathers also became clarted.


Although they're recommended as pets and suitable for children this one wasn't easy to catch. She might have got better when she got used to us but she was foxed :evil: We only had her for a month so I'm not an authority!


During that time she didn't lay but that could have been because of the time of year, March.


She certainly wasn't noisy - but in our experience neighbours don't mind the clucking of even the most vocal birds.



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I have 3 pekin bantams and they come highly recommended. I have only had them 2 weeks so they haven't laid yet. They aren't noisy - only gentle clucking, noiser if you're holding treats. You couldn't call it bothersome! They are hard to catch as they run like the wind but they are very tame - will sit on my lap and eat from your hand. One has a habit of jumping onto my back if I bend over and tend to the eglu (much to my other half's amusement!)

Hope this helps,



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We have had 3 black Pekin bantams for nearly five weeks. They are 4 months old and not laying yet, but are very quiet and easy to look after. We keep them on grass which is well-drained even after a very wet month

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I did a huge amount of research before deciding on Pekin Bantams as we wanted them primarily as pets rather than egg layers. they are very tame, even the cockrels are ok to handle. The children love them and they come when called. They cause less destruction to the grass too. The only problem so far has been very vicious attacking of the new hen introduced this week but that can happen with any chicken, and mud can be a problem with their feathered feet. The chicken breeder whom we bought our gals off brings them in in the winter so we've decided to put a tent over the eglu when it gets colder.

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I've got some pekins and they have the biggest personalities of any birds I have. They charge about, bossing the other chooks around and can be vocal when they are about to lay or ahve just done so, but no more than any of the others.


If you have a noisy hen, squirt her with some water when she's too noisy - that'll sort her out.


Pekins are an asset to any flock, and apart from their muddy feet in the winter and tendency to go broody, they are excellent pets and good mothers.

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Stupid question but why would you loan a Pekin? As a broody? Doesn't it make it difficult when you have to do reintroductions to your flock?


Sorry to hear about your Pekin was she old?



Hi, I got the pekins and eglu for free, and I was planning to keep them. However they were a little destructive and a little loud, so when my aunty moved to the countryside I offered the 3 hens to her so she could get used to keeping chickens, which has worked well for both parties. I don't intend to take the Pekins back, but I do the eglu.


She was about 3 years old, and the top chicken.

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