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Nicola O

New forum member ?

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Kate, lesley and the rest of us mods always check new members as they appear, and if a spammer is seen, the we alert Kate, who has the power to boot them back to their sad little lives in the big bad internet. As Kate has already said in the past, we urge you to NEVER click on any www link on someones profile, if they appear to be less than normal.

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Don't worry about dodgy new members as the first thing I do when I log in is check the memberlist and remove anyone who is a spammer. I have lots of ways of checking so it's unusual for me to miss one. I check several times a day and the only time one will be left on the memberlist for any length of time is overnight but I log in at breakfast time each morning and remove them. The moderators also make a note of anyone who looks suspicious for me.


As Chookie's said, don't click any www links for any new member unless you know they are genuine and have seen them posting to stay safe and keep your computer virus free.

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:D Thanks for being alert, Nicola, but no need to worry if you see one like that, Kate always zaps them within a few minutes, hours at the very most. Sometimes they've been zapped by her cattle prodder within a few seconds, so do just ignore them.

Mostly they're computer generated & all forums get them, we just don't let them stay!


...You're right, I don't think they have an Eglu... :lol:

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