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Woodburner hearths

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The shop that were fitting mine recommended black granite but I thought this would look wrong with pale floor tiles and a cream woodburner, so I asked for an alternative and they suggested limestone. It has cracked, and it's discoloured in one place where a bit of burning wood fell on it; not a huge success, and if I were doing it again I'd go for quarry tiles or slate.

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We have a two-brick high area with black slate on top which goes well with a black woodburner - even this did get discoloured by some v hot wood I dropped - just adds to the character though I think.

I would watch the builders though as we paid for a solid base and some time later I realised they had only done the edges solid and left gaps inside with bits of building block and big holes - bit cross, but too late to do anything to correct it by then.

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Our fireplace is faced with reclaimed bricks and the hearth is made of bricks as well - although they are slightly darker and much heavier so maybe they are a special type? I like it because we live in a country cottage so its in keeping and also the surface is quite heavy duty. I hoover the ash dust up from time to time, but other than that it just looks 'lived in' :D

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Thanks everyone :)


We're deciding on the day whether we have the chimney opening as brick or plaster. A lot will depend on the colour of the bricks and condition as well. I do love the look of a black hearth but as the hearth has to come out into the room am not sure if it'll look too big :? Am driving DH potty -lol


I'm also after us taking up the carpet and sanding the floorboards :lol:

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We chose a slate hearth when we had the stove installed. I wasn't too keen at first as the slate was grey, the stove installer rubbed in Olive oil and it came up black and is lovely. I oil it a few times a year with a small amount of oil (a little goes a long way) and rub it in with an old cloth.

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