Sammiboo Posted November 1, 2011 Share Posted November 1, 2011 I took agnes to the vet yesterday as she has been struggling on her right leg for a couple of weeks. Last time i took her to the vet they couldnt find anything wrong with it (neither could i when i checked it) she stopped limping and seemed fine. it started on the other leg (according to the vets records) and i monitored it over about three weeks and no improvement. This also seems to have spurred the others into bullying her more than usual. She had got to the point where she wasnt coming out of the cube. The vet thinks her hip is inflamed and she is on antibiotics and ant-inflamatories for the next week. I have seperated her from the others, to keep her eggs seperate and let her have some recoop time as she cannot sit in peace without being harrassed. Also if her hip is giving her grief then the ladder isnt ideal of the cube. I am concerned that when she goes back with the others they will bully her even more now that she has been seperated from the group. Thoughts or advice would be very welcome Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cavysqueak Posted November 1, 2011 Share Posted November 1, 2011 I've never had to try this, but my initial thought would be that once she's better put a friend in with her for a couple of days, then free-range everyone together (that's if they do free-range, of cause). If everything seems OK - you'll expect a bit of a pecking to re-establish the pecking order I suppose - then you could try putting them to bed together & getting up early to let them out quickly & see what happens? As I say this is just guess work from things I've done / things I've read on here in the past. I hope it all works out. Sending hugs to a poorly Agnes. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Salop Chuck Posted November 5, 2011 Share Posted November 5, 2011 Hi Sammiboo Sorry to hear about Agnes - I hope the medication improves her condition. I had a similar problem with a poorly Buff Rock bantam, Lottie, who had to be treated with antibiotics. Like you I separated her during her treatment partly because she was being bullied and becoming traumatized by it. When she started to recover I put her back with the other hens but placed the main bully in the isolation run for a week so that Lottie could find a place higher up the pecking order. This seemed to work because when the bully rejoined the flock Lottie was strong enough to stick up for herself and by and large the bullying stopped. This only works, however, if there is only one bully. I think the suggestion from another post in giving Agnes a companion is a very sound one and worth trying. Hope this helps and that Agnes is soon back to her old self. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luvachicken Posted November 5, 2011 Share Posted November 5, 2011 I hope Agnes is feeling better. My Myrtle was poorly in the summer and was on antibiotics too. She was also kept indoors for nearly 10 days and away from the others. For the last few days of her treatment, I kept her in a rabbit run close to others but still separate, but they could see her. I was a bit worried about putting her back in with others, but must've been lucky, because everything went fine. Sorry I don't really have any advice otherwise. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...