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hiya everyone! we are in the middle of buying everything nessasery for our chooks i just wanted to know have i got everything?


here's the list



2.grit (oyster and odinary chicken grit)

3.chicken spice

4.chicken tonic

5.organic apple cider vinegar


7.garlic powder

8.tea-tree oil


10.nail clippers

11.mite powder

12.dust bath box

13.dust bath sand

14.horsey hay

15.purple spray


17.baby bath

18.new towles

19.thick gardening gloves (in case a broody hen needs removing from the nesting box, i heard they have a nasty bite!)

20.carry cage

21.tooth brush (foot cleaning, we might be getting silkies)

22.bumper bits

23. sharp sirrors (wing clipping)


sorry its so long :oops: being a first time chook owner i want to make sure i dont forget any thing.

also is it a good idea to instead of getting the recomended number of

chickens to cut out the middle man and just get 6 and a cube (bit late if its not)


thanks for any replies

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Oh my word, chicken 04, you are PREPARED!!


You've obviously done LOTS of reading, and honestly, after a year of owning chickens, I don't have some of the things on your list!!


I would say that lice powder/redmite powder is probably an excellent investment - as the weather becomes warmer the chooks are more prone to infestation and they can be hard to get rid of - the sooner you can dust them the better.


Also, you've put horsey hay at no. 14. If this is normal hay, I think I'm right in saying you shouldn't give the girls that - there are spores in there which can cause respiratory illness. Straw or aubiose are the recommended substitutes generally.


What an exciting time, when are you getting your chickens?


Good luck!


Sue Budgie x

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thanks for the correction. i was just told the stuff that you get from horse shops but i will make sure it goes back or goes to my mums friend's horse. i'll buy my straw from the dealer i get the chickens from! thanks very much in reassuring me!


oh iam getting my chooks in about 5 weeks! they are all at the farm but we dont want them yet as they are only 7 weeks and are still quite little. (not to mention our cube hasnt arrived yet)

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Wow, your girls will be young!!


I expect you already know this, but you'll have to ensure that you feed the chooks the exact same food they've been given to date initially. I've no personal experience myself, but I understand that you don't use layers' pellets or meal until they've reached a certain maturity.


I'm sure others will be able to assist if you have any specific questions about that!


ooh, I'm excited for you - it brings back great memories, ooh the anticipation!! 8):lol:



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I just got my chickens today and don't have half of that stuff! Wow, do I really need all of those things?


Can I use broken baked egg shells instead of buying grit? What is chicken spice and tonic? Why do i need vinegar? Do you need to trim their nails? How often do you need to mite them? can i wait a couple of weeks or do i need to do it now?

Whats the vaseline for? Do I need to wash them in baby bath?!



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I just got my chickens today and don't have half of that stuff! Wow, do I really need all of those things?


Can I use broken baked egg shells instead of buying grit? I use baked egg shells but i have grit too as there arent always enough eggshells to bake and add to the food.


What is chicken spice and tonic? Poultry Spice is a mineral suppliment that is added to food i added to my chooks food and its good for all round good health


Why do i need vinegar? I think it works along the same lines as Citracidal :?


Do you need to trim their nails? I have never bothered with mine but some chooks nails can be quite long


How often do you need to mite them? I shake a little red mite powder into the eglu nesting box each week



Hope this helps a little! :D

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Citricidal is a Grapefruit seed extract. It has antibacterial properties.


A couple of drops in the Glug is good for the Chickens especially if they have a slight cold. You can also add it to the Eglu washing water.


Citricidal can be bought from the Omlet shop or health food shops.


xChicken04X you are certainely well prepared, I have had my original girls for 2 years and haven't got half the amount of things on your list :shock::lol:

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Oooh I'm getting worried now! We have had our chickens for a week now and I only have three of the things on that list! Thats the grit, the mite powder and the food!!


Am I neglecting my poor hens? Whats the citracidal for?


Phew! I was getting concerned! Thanks for the speedy reply!

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Citricidal is a Grapefruit seed extract. It has antibacterial properties.


A couple of drops in the Glug is good for the Chickens especially if they have a slight cold. You can also add it to the Eglu washing water.



Thanks! Whats a glug :oops: I should come with a novice warning alert! They drink out ofa feeder type thing that holds water that drips into a tray at the bottom?


I also don't have an eglu - just a home made chicksn ark type thing!

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Everything on your list is good. A lot of it is not essential but your chickens will be the healthiest, happiest and best looked after. All you need to do now is enjoy them when they arrive. You know you could not be doing anymore for them.

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My Eglu only arrived on Thursday. It is really difficult to get Bantams up here :( I had to travel to Edinburgh for my last lot, over an 8 hour round trip in the snow :shock: It took me 3 months to find them as well :shock:


Not sure when I will get the newbies or where from. I keep checking local papers and scouring the internet. It will happen but not this weekend :D

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